business opportunities

when to say NO to a business opportunity

are you a "yes" machine?
do you nod your head agreeably to every opportunity that comes your way?
well, that may not be the best thing for your business (or your sanity)!
we've all been there. we're super jazzed about our business & everything seems sparkly. so, we say "yes" to nearly every opportunity that presents itself.
yes, i'll take over that class.
yes, i'll help you plan that workshop.
yes, i'll sub for you while you're gone.
yes, i'll take you on as a private client.
if you feel like you're stuck in a place of "yes", it's time to put a little distance between between you and the "y" word.
before you agree to take on another project, run it through my little test which I'm sharing in today's video.
in it, i outline 4 criteria that any new business undertaking should meet BEFORE you say "yes".

now, i want to hear from you!

in the comments below share a time when you said "yes" to something and regretted it, or "no" to something and LOVED it!

when have i had enough yoga training?

do you jump at every opportunity to attend yoga workshops, immersions, retreats and trainings?
i know...i LOVE them too!
we yogis are sponges. we relish soaking up every little bit of yoga knowledge that we can, and yes, all that training does of course serve us as teachers.
but, there comes a point when taking training after training becomes a lovely distraction that keeps us from pursuing other fulfilling opportunities like working on and growing our yoga careers.
if you think you might be using yoga training as a crutch, listen to today's teaching -- i think it will help you figure out if it's time to say "no" to more trainings and "yes" to your yoga biz!

and now, i want to hear from you!

have you been using training as an excuse to stay "stuck"?