how to make money

Money-Making Tools for Yoga Teachers

if i were to ask you "what are ways to make money as a yoga teacher?", what would you say?
would your list look like this?
  1. teach public classes
  2. teach private lessons
  3. lead workshops
  4. ummm...start a teacher training...
  5. i'm tapped...
if you feel like the only way to make a living teaching yoga is to trade time for money, i'm here today with a few other options that you might not have considered to help you get off that hamster wheel.
in order to make yoga your full-time gig, it's essential to consider other ways to make money from your passion -- and one of the most profound, rewarding and fun ways to do just that is to take your yoga biz online!
if that concept has you shaking in your yoga pants, don't fret. today i'm covering some awesome, FREE resources that make monetizing your online yoga business a breeze!
watch today's video & then check out some (or all!) of the resources for yourself!
websites mentioned in the video:,,,,,

now i want to hear from you! which resource are you most excited about and why?