
stop worrying NOW with this 3-step practice

do you ever feel like your yoga-biz-mind is racing so fast you can barely keep up?

it's overflowing with to-dos, ideas, shoulds, and shouldn'ts, and somehow the "yogic you" that can tap into her inner wisdom on the mat is racing at 100 mph trying to get everything!

if you ever feel like your mind is 10 steps ahead of your body, and wish that you had a simple strategy to access that grounded, calm, steady, authentic YOU that lies deep within, you're going to LOVE today's video.

in it i share a super simple 3-step practice that you can do anywhere at any time to help you reconnect with your best self and let go of stress and worry.

(have a de-stressing practice that works wonders for you?  share it in the comments!)