build your business

how to close the sale (in a yogic way)

this is one of our least-favorite things we do as yoga teachers...
...closing the sale.
(do you feel yucky and uneasy just hearing today's topic?)
so let's paint a little picture here: you've been approached by a student from one of your group classes about booking some private lessons. they seemed super interested to work 1x1, and you were so pleased with the thought of adding another private client to your roster. but that was 3 weeks ago, and they haven't mentioned it since -- even though you've seen them in class several times.
now you feel awkward. you'd love to work with them, but you don't want to be pushy or seem desperate for money. that's sooo un-yogic!
so, what do you do?
let it go? approach them? keep your fingers-crossed?
if you've ever been in a situation like this, you know how uncomfortable it can be for you. but then, we project that discomfort onto our student as well, but that's rarely the case! they probably just forgot, their kid got sick, or work got busy. don't over complicate it by thinking they're feeling the way you're feeling. remember: they wouldn't have approached you in the first place if they weren't interested.
ok, now for some tips. i've got 5 in today's video that'll help you close the sale in a feel-good, totally yogic way!

which tip is your favorite? share it in the comments below -- and then USE IT!!!

7 mistakes yoga teachers make when taking their business online

have you been flirting with the idea of creating a website and even some online offerings for your yoga business? bravo! that's awesome!

taking your yoga biz online (in order to have multiple income streams) is an essential step for any yoga teacher who truly wants to make yoga their full-time career.

but, not so fast.

there are a number of sneaky obstacles that befall even the best-intentioned yoga-entrepreneurs.

if you're ready to launch your biz into cyberspace (literally), today's video is a must-watch. in it i share the top 7 mistakes yoga teachers & other budding entrepreneurs make when taking their businesses online.

watch it now so that you don't stumble into one of them!


share & grow :-)

which mistake are you making?

how are you going to fix it now that you realize?

biz: how to land an awesome yoga teaching job, make more money, and more!

do you want to know the secret to landing an amazing yoga teaching job, making more money, getting featured on a popular yoga blog, and more?  (of course you do!) a lot of people think that if you train enough, teach enough, and work enough, you'll one day be "anointed" a world-changing yogi -- and then you'll be offered dream teaching gigs, earn the big bucks, and see your image on countless yoga blogs.

but, the truth is, no one "anoints" you an expert in your industry.  no one, that is, but you!

the real secret -- and one that i've personally used a number of times to get great teaching jobs, speaking engagements, be interviewed, land guest posts, and more is...ASK FOR IT.

you know that old saying, "ask and you shall receive" -- well, there's a lot of truth to that!  if you want something, you have to go out there and make it happen.  no one is going to do it for you.

what are you waiting for?

to complete another teacher training?  to get another year of teaching under your belt?  those are just self-imposed obstacles that we place on ourselves.  if you keep on waiting, you'll likely find that there will never be a "perfect time".  it's about making things happen, not waiting and hoping.

if you want to change the world through your yoga teaching, you need to start making it happen right NOW.  not tomorrow, not next month, not next year.  start prioritizing, and ASK for what you need to make it a reality.  suggest a new class idea for your studio's schedule that you would love to teach, ask another teacher you admire to co-teach a workshop about a topic you've been longing to teach, pitch an idea for a yoga article to elephant journal or another popular yoga blog, contact a local teacher training and ask to speak about your area of expertise...the possibilities are truly endless (as long as you don't get in your own way!).

when people ask me how i've been able to build my business so quickly, they're often surprised that my answer is so simple.  i put myself out there, asked for what i needed, and kept pushing forward even when the inevitable "no" came my way.  that's it.

sure, asking for what you desire is scary.  it means putting yourself out there.  it means being vulnerable and exposing your dreams.  but, i would ask you think about what you're risking by NOT asking for what you desire.  what are you risking by NOT pursuing your dreams?  and, for me, that's a far scarier alternative.

what is something you've been putting off or waiting for that you could ASK for today?



biz: if you don't have don't have a yoga biz

so, what is one thing that every yoga teacher should have and cultivate if she wants to transform her teaching into a career?... email list of students, prospects, friends, family, and fans that love and support you.

your yoga email list is the backbone of your yoga biz.

that's worth repeating.

your YOGA EMAIL LIST is the backbone of your yoga biz.  and just like the spine supports you in every asana you do, your email list will support the growth, sustainability, and ultimate success of your yoga career.


your email list is comprised of all those students (and fans!) who love you, want to hear from you, and oftentimes want to work with you.  they are the people that you can best serve, and they all (every single one of them) deserve to be treated like gold!

without an email list, you're just spinning your wheels.  your marketing efforts will fall flat, and your attempts to grow your business will flounder because you're not consistently reaching out to the very people who WANT TO support you.

so, how do you grow your list?

this is a long and complicated topic (that i've talked about before, and will surely talk about again), but for now, let's keep it simple so you don't get overwhelmed before you even start.

you can start to grow your list by:

  1. asking your current students and private clients to sign-up
  2. asking friends, family, and fellow teachers to sign-up
  3. putting a sign-up on your website (yes, you NEED a website, too! for more on this topic watch this video)
  4. offering consistent, relevant information that's valuable to your readers (in the form of a blog or e-newsletter)
  5. asking your readers (if they like what you shared in your blog/e-newsletter) to share it

do you have a yoga email list?

if not, visit to set up a free list-building management account, and even start a newsletter!  (it's what i use for my weekly CALM biz newsletter :-)