marketing tips

how to create your 1st online offering

any time we try something for the first time -- whether it be kicking up into a handstand, enrolling in yoga teacher training, or starting a yoga business -- it can be majorly scary. and, unfortunately, all-too-often our fear of the unknown stops us from pursuing awesome opportunities that could ultimately be so rewarding, fulfilling and fun!  (sound familiar?...)

well, no longer!

if you've been flirting with the idea of developing an online offering -- whether it be product or service based -- but have been letting your fear or overwhelm stop you, today's CALM biz teaching will help!

in today's video, i share 4 things you NEED to keep in mind when creating your first online offering.  

whether you're thinking about creating a 5-page e-book or a 5 module course, the tips i share in today's vid will help you, keep you on track and hopefully eliminate whatever is holding you back from creating your oh-so-awesome online offering :-)

what's your brilliant idea for an online offering?

share it in the comments below!  i'd LOVE to hear about it!

biz: the easiest way to build an online presence {interview for yogipreneurTV}

recently, i had the pleasure of being interviewed by Racheal Cook for YogipreneurTV. during our chat, she asked me some really juicy stuff about the easiest, happiest, most effective way to establish an online presence -- even if you're completely new to the game!

i think you'll really enjoy & get a lot out of this one, so watch it now!

it's only 15 min long, and will leave you with some awesome takeaways that you can implement immediately in your yoga business.

see Racheal's blog post about our interview.





biz: 6 easy ways to build your yoga email list (video)

your email list is the lifeblood of your yoga business.  why?  because it's the list of all the people who like you, want to learn from you, and are potentially interested in working with you.  it's the list of all the people that you can best serve, and that respond best to your teaching. sure, any of us an use spammy tactics to quickly grow a following that cares very little for us or about yoga, but that's not very yogic is it?...

if you want to build a real list of amazing prospects, students and potential clients, check out the video below.  in it i share 5 easy ways to build your yoga email list -- when shooting the vid, i left one out accidentally, so now only you blog readers are privy to it here :-)

bonus tip: include sign-up for your email list on the homepage of your blog or website if you have one -- and let people know what they can expect when they sign-up.  (i.e. weekly yoga tips about how to take your practice off-the-mat, or monthly newsletter with vegan recipes, asanas, poems, and more!)  include the opt-in above the fold on your homepage, which means it's clearly visible without have to scroll down to see it.  check out my opt-in (which is above the fold) here as an example.

for the remaining 5 tips -- all of which are easy to implement -- check out the vid below.

for a step-by-step plan to growing your yoga career by leaps & bounds -- sign-up to receive info about my NEW online training which is coming this fall. 

plus, when you sign-up, you'll automatically receive my FREE 3-part video training which will be released in early september :-)

it's called 2 Hours to Yoga Biz, and it's going to be awesome!!!  sign-up here.