i carry your heart song

a big welcome to all the lovely ladies from sits who are stopping by today.  i hope you enjoy your visit, and i look forward to checking out your blogs as well!

something you may not know about me is that i love singing and have been composing songs (for fun) ever since high school.  since i always enjoy learning something new about my fellow bloggers, i thought it would be fun to share one of the songs i've written.

i wrote this song for my sister, hannah, as a christmas gift a few years ago.  the lyrics are adapted from e.e. cumming's poem "i carry your <3" - a favorite of ours. 

i hope you enjoy (and if you don't - please be kind : )


original poem by e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

so, mavens, do you have any hobbies or interests that not too many people know about?  i encourage you to share them too!



i know i've been a little m.i.a. lately.  my 5 posts per week have dropped to 2 or 3.  but, the truth is, some very exciting things are on the horizon that have diverting my attention elsewhere (momentarily).  i figured i might as well fill you all in on what's going on since you're probably wondering where i've been...

see, i'm still here!

(1) i'm developing (along with craig's business guidance) a very cool product that should be launching within the next couple of weeks.  this beauty product that we've been working on capitalizes on a major fad right now, so we're really excited to see where it goes.  (i know that's a tease, but i'll certainly keep you all posted as to when it's available!  ok, one clue.  pale will be the new tan.)  want to be notified when the product site launches?  leave your email address in a comment below.

(2) i've been contacting publishers about a cookbook i'm writing, entitled vegetables & vodka.  it highlights healthy (veggie-based) dinner recipes & low-cal cocktails to promote a life of healthy balance.  i'm also working with fellow lifestyle and healthy living bloggers to gather recipe submissions for the final book.  thanks to you all for your interest and contributions!!!

(3) lifestyle maven is starting a movement.  the maven movement promotes "cutting the crap" - on your plate, in your head and in your life.  it's meant to empower women to take charge and simplify their lifestyle and food choices in order to cultivate health and unearth happiness.  and, of course, be simply fabulous, too.  (see the button to the left just below my picture?  give it a click for more info.)

so, mavens, you can see why i've been a little preoccupied lately.  i hope you'll forgive my absence and stay tuned for all the simply fabulous things that await.


send cailen to napa!

warning: this post is shamelessly self-promotional : )
hello mavens!
i have the opportunity to attend a conference this august in the napa valley put on by tim ferriss, author and brand-building guru. i'm in the semi-final round for a $10,000 scholarship to win a free ride (it costs upwards of $7000 to attend...yikes!)
why i need you: the winner will be selected based upon their application video. so, please take just 1 min to click this link and vote for me.  scroll down to video #6 (bonus: you don’t even have to watch it), and vote for "cailen ascher poles".
thank you so so so much! keep your fingers-crossed....
...and, if you feel so inclined, pass this along via twitter, email, facebook. i will be endlessly grateful and totally owe you one!


well-designed living

me : )

as part of jess' design your life series, i wanted to do my own DIY design your life post.  her blog, makeunder my life, is about designing a (fabulous) life with intention, purpose and passion.  so, though i may not get it right all the time, i thought i'd like to share how i (attempt to) live a well-designed life...

1. stay strong.  when i first started exercising regularly 5 years ago, it felt like torture to drag myself out of bed (earlier than usual) to fit in a 15-20 minute workout.  but now, i'm so happy that i stuck with it.  in "pushing beyond the pain" i found that i really like moving my body.  i like feeling strong and fit and flexible.  it makes me walk with confidence and stand up a bit straighter.  now, believe me, i don't pop out of bed anxious and excited to workout everyday, but i always feel better for doing it.  and with small steps, i eventually (5 years later) have built up to 60 min, 5 days a week.  i encourage you all to find the beauty of connection through working (with) your body.  (my recommendation?  try yoga.  it's fabulous for both body & soul.)

picture credit {here}

2. everything in moderation...including moderation.  (i think mae west was the first to say that, so i can't take the credit.)  i eat healthy, wholesome foods at least 80% of the time.  the 20% is reserved for dinners out, drinks with friends and dessert.  i've finally learned that deprivation has no place in a healthy diet and that all things...yes, that's right all things, including chocolate and fried food and mac n' cheese and pancakes...can be enjoyed (from time to time).

picture credit {here}
3. happy hour is what life is all about.  ok, let me explain.  life is about the small moments.  not just the big ones.  take the time to enjoy and appreciate your life where you are right now.  don't wait for the weekend or for when your "to-do" list is done or for when you lose 10lbs, because there is always an errand to run or something else that "should" take priority.  make it a habit to give yourself a break and enjoy the here and now (with a $5 cosmo in hand : )
picture credit {here}
4. follow your bliss.  this point i cannot stress enough.  life really isn't just about finding a (tolerable) job in order to make money (though money does have its perks), it's about finding something you love to do.  the money will come.  trust me.  if you create a career around what you love, you'll be wonderful at it, and it will feel a lot less like work.  trust your gut, have faith in your abilities and craft a life around your true passions and what you're truly good at, and the right path will unfold before you.  it's magical.

5. learn to love yourself.  this is not always easy...especially for us girls.  but it's worth working toward.  if you learn to love and appreciate yourself, life gets much simpler, because you're working with yourself, instead of standing in your own way.  take it one step at a time.  treat yourself well.  feed yourself wholesome food...80% of the time.  and move your body a bit.  it'll thank you for it, and you'll begin to see the beauty that was always there.  (and don't beat yourself up when you enjoy a piece of cheesecake or one too many glasses of wine.  life isn't supposed to be so damn serious : )

picture credit {here}

well ladies, i believe that's enough wisdom rambling for one day.  and remember, design your life just for you.  no one else.
