Eating Better Made Easy

In the January issue of Better Homes & Gardens they had a great article entitled "Healthy You". It offered valuable information about healthy living, losing weight, and the benefits of exercise. Taking my cues from that, I've summarized a bit of the article regarding eating better. So many of us strive to eat better and live healthier lives, but sometimes we don't know where to start. It's intimidating to think of making big changes and altering what is probably a pretty comfortable routine. With that said, here are some small (and easy) changes to help you start eating better today!

Smaller Plates - Using smaller dinnerware is a simple way to control portion sizes. Your plate will look plentiful, so you won't feel deprived even though you're eating less!

Leave Something Behind - Leave a little bit of your food on your plate at the end of each meal. So many of us finish everything on our plates - whether we're hungry for it or not. Leaving a bit of food puts you back in control (instead of the food controlling you).

Eat Breakfast - Skipping meals sets you up for overeating later. Breakfast, especially, is such an important meal. It revs your metabolism and will curb bingeing as the day wears on.

Add More Fruits/Veggies - You probably could have guessed this one on your own, but filling up on fruits and vegetables when hungry reduces your tendency to overeat less-nutritious foods. So fill 1/2 to 3/4 of your plate with fresh vegetables and fruit and then fill the remainder with whatever else you would enjoy!

Fill Up With Fiber - Foods with fiber fill you up faster, leave you feeling full longer, and are a great weight-loss tool. Vegetables and legumes are naturally rich in fiber so make sure to enjoy some of them throughout your day.

H20 - Make sure (especially in this cold, winter weather) to stay hydrated. So often, we mistake thirst for hunger and wind up eating when we're really in need of a tall glass of water. Plus, a few extra glasses of water will help to keep your skin hydrated during this chilly weather.

These simple tricks provide you with a great foundation for healthy eating. Start by incorporating just a few into your routine, and I bet you'll see a difference!

Happy (and healthy) Eating!

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email


After the First 4 Days...

So, as I promised, I'm writing an update about the "Flat Belly Diet". After completing the initial four day anti-bloat "detox", my mom is happily reporting a loss of 4 pounds, and my dad is proud to say he's dropped 9 pounds! Not bad, eh?

As I touched on before, the next phase of the program is focused on the incorporation of MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) into each meal. They recommend eating at least every four hours and consuming three 400 calorie meals a day and one 400 "snack" (bringing the total daily allowance to 1600 calories, a healthy total for most women). The meals should be healthy, balanced, and of course include a MUFA.

For breakfast today, my mom had a breakfast BLT - turkey bacon, lettuce, tomato, a slice of muenster cheese, with olive tapenade on a whole wheat English muffin. My dad enjoyed a toasted egg and cheese sandwich with tomatoes, lettuce, and basil pesto...Yum! For myself, I prepared a delicious bowl of cereal - Kashi Go Lean Crunch, pecans, and raisins with cinnamon, nutmeg and skim milk. Sounds pretty good, right? (*All the MUFA are in bold.) As you can see, you can really mold this diet around your specific likes and dislikes - there's a lot of flexibility.

The key with this, or with any lifestyle change for that matter, is that is has to be manageable. If your diet, exercise regimen, or any goal you set is too rigid and strict, you're setting yourself up for failure (or at least feeling like one). This program is working so well for my parents because it's not a huge deviation from how they normally eat. It incorporates foods they really enjoy, and they never feel deprived. Also, since we're all working together, it gives us all additional support and sets us up for success. Having people who believe in you and back you up is invaluable when you're attempting to change your life for the better. But remember, the first step is believing in yourself!

Best of luck with your goals for this year! Let me know how you're doing as the month progresses.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email


My Newest Adventure in Healthy Eating

As I mentioned in a previous blog, my parents and I (as their "guide") are reading about and following Prevention Magazine's "Flat Belly Diet". It's based on the incorporation of more monounsaturated fatty acids (a.k.a. MUFA, a.k.a. healthy, good-for-you fats) into your eating regimen. There are five main categories of MUFA: oils, olives, avocados, nuts & seeds, and dark chocolate. (Yes, that's right...DARK CHOCOLATE!)

The program is kicked-off with a 4 day "detox" of sorts that they call the anti-bloat jumpstart. Beyond that the program takes into account portion control and emphasizes eating a MUFA at every meal. We just started the jumpstart 3 days ago and already my dad has reported a loss of 3 pounds and my mom a loss of 1 pound. (Granted, it's mostly water-weight at this stage in the game, but it has them feeling good, which is the most important thing!)

The program promises not only weight-loss, but also a decrease in visceral belly fat (an average of 33% in 1 month!) which is the deadly fat that surrounds your organs and makes you susceptible to countless unhealthy conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Also, it promises a loss of inches (mainly from the stomach area, hence the name) as well as a significant drop in cholesterol. Not too shabby!

We're still in the beginning stages, but we're very excited about the potential results! I'll keep you updated as this month progresses, and let me know if you have any questions about the "Flat Belly Diet" program.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email


Take a Break

It's essential to have "me-time". Taking time for yourself is not a luxury (it's a necessity!), and it's certainly not selfish. It is key to leading a harmonious life. When you constantly give of yourself to others, you drain your energy. (I'm sure you've felt that before.) That's why it's so important to take time, every day, to literally recharge your batteries.

Take a few minutes each day to sit in a comfortable, quiet location and take deep breaths. Start with just 2 minutes a day and add a few minutes each week ,with your goal being at least 10 minutes a day. Sit with eyes closed, and breath slowly in through your nose, out through your mouth. Almost instantly you should begin to feel more relaxed and calm. You'll also notice your heart rate slow to a steady pace. Focus on your breath, and attempt to keep all nagging thoughts out of your head. If you find yourself worrying or dwelling, replace that thought with a peaceful image, like a quiet beach with rolling waves, a peaceful garden, or a favorite relaxing vacation spot.

Without a few moments to re-center yourself, you are more susceptible to stress, have a shorter temper, and often feel overwhelmed. By allowing yourself these few essentials moments, you'll greatly improve your overall quality of life. I'm certain that your family and friends will not even notice the bit of time you give to yourself, they'll only notice that you're more grounded and patient.

If you really want to enhance your "me-time", think about creating a "me-time" space that nurtures you during your moments of relaxation. Choose a quiet spot - your favorite chair, the foot of your bed, or even a nook in your bathroom or closet. Think about your senses, and keep things nearby that would augment your space - choose a candle with a fresh, calming scent to light while you sit, get a CD player (or your ipod) ready with soothing music, or place a journal nearby to write down thoughts before or after your minutes of "meditation".

Give to yourself first. It will make you a better wife, mother and friend.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email
