om monday: create your life

credit {here}

a few weeks ago, my sister gave me journal with the above quote on the cover.  "life isn't about finding yourself.  life is about creating yourself."  in yoga, we're taught that we create the world in which we live by how we live in it.  if we create beauty, we find more beauty.  if we cultivate our compassion, we see more compassion in our world.  and, contrastly, if we perpetuate negative thought patterns - the more negative thoughts and experiences we will have.

i don't know about you, but this quote is both uplifting and a bit overwhelming.  the notion that the world in which we live is a mirror on how we live our lives is kind of scary, because that means we have a lot of responsibility in making the world as we wish it to be.  but with that responsibility comes empowerment - knowing that if we seek a change, we much be the change.  and with this, we become the creators of our own universe.  very cool.

namaste : )


om monday: wise words for the new year

i found the following on mariel hemingway's blog last week, and this small but meanginful passage completely spoke to me.  i hope you, too, find the words inspirational.

i do not ask to travel the easy road
but for the courage to endure the road i am on.
i do not ask for fulfillment
but for the humility to accept what is in my path.
i do not ask for perfection in all i do
but for the wisdom not to repeat my mistakes.
i do not ask of these gifts before saying
thank you for all you have given me.
- chief red cloud, ojlala sioux 1819-1891
these words were written well over 100 years ago, yet i feel i could ask for the very same.  life isn't perfect, and we'll never be happy all the time, but if we approach our lives with a sense of wonder and gratitude, we will see the magic in the every day.
credit {here}
namaste : )


om monday: what is your dharma?

one of my yoga teachers was explaining the concept of dharma in class the other day.  i was completely enthralled by her explanation, so naturally i wanted to share it with you all : )

dharma is the idea that every person is born with a unique purpose.  and, our life mission is to align with that purpose and thus contribute our gift to the world.  cool, right?!

credit {here}

and, even cooler, the more in-line you are with your specific dharma, the more successful you will be - as people will be drawn to you and intrigued by you.  when you align with your dharma, you radiate confidence and charisma because you have recognized your innate passion.

so, mavens...what is your dharma?  i'm hoping/thinking/feeling that mine has something to do with sharing my advice, recipes & yoga inspiration with all of you!


if i had my life to live over

this morning in yoga, my teacher started with a bitter sweet poem - if i had my life to live over.  the poem speaks to our tendency to put things off, dream of the future and forget the present moment - the only thing we ever really have.

if i had my life to live over

i'd dare to make more mistakes next time.
i'd relax, i would limber up.

i would be sillier than i have been this trip.
i would take fewer things seriously.

i would take more chances.
i would climb more mountains and swim more rivers.

i would eat more ice cream and less beans.
i would perhaps have more actual troubles,
but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.

you see, i'm one of those people who live
sensibly and sanely hour after hour, 

day after day.
oh, i've had my moments,
and if i had it to do over again,
i'd have more of them.
in fact, i'd try to have nothing else.
just moments, one after another,
instead of living so many years ahead of each day.

i've been one of those people who never goes anywhere
without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat
and a parachute.
if i had to do it again, i would travel lighter than i have.

if i had my life to live over,
i would start barefoot earlier in the spring

and stay that way later in the fall.
i would go to more dances.
i would ride more merry-go-rounds.
i would pick more daisies.

by nadine stair, 85 years old

we don't get any do-overs.  this one life is it.  pursue your passions, follow your heart and when you look back at 85, don't wish for a chance to do it better.

what can you do today to make sure you'll have no regrets tomorrow?.