Home Trends for Spring 2010!

With Spring fast-approaching, many people are starting to think about revamping their home. Below are a few trends I've been noticing in today's homes. Perhaps they'll inspire you as well!

"Green" decor. Eco-friendly is in! People are more and more interested in filling their home with not only beautiful pieces, but items that are earth-friendly as well. Check out www.VivaTerra.com for stylish "green" furniture. One of my favorites? The railroad tie coffee table for $598.

Beautiful and Functional. People are discovering that more stuff does not equate to more happiness. Therefore, many people are aiming to simplify their lives and homes and turning to pieces that are simultaneously beautiful and useful. Check out Ballard Designs castered tufted storage ottoman. It's attractive and functional and comes in countless fabric options to meet everyone's taste!

Happy (almost) Spring : )


FREE tickets to the Architectural Digest Home Show in NYC!

Want FREE tickets to this year's Architectural Digest Home Design Show on Pier 94 in NYC compliments of Cailen Ascher Design?!

Visit https://www.microspec.com/tix123/etic.cfm?code=ARCH2010&disc=EXHIBITOR and enter the code "EXHIBITOR".

For general home show information, visit http://www.archdigesthomeshow.com. Also, I'll be offering FREE design consultations at the show all weekend long.

Hope to see you there!


Principles of Well-Designed Living

It's so easy to get caught up in our fast-paced lives and lose touch with what's truly important. When this happens (and it happens to ALL of us sometimes), it's really crucial to "get back to basics" and tune into your true self and what you really need and want from life. To do this, you have to hone in on the pillars of Well-Designed Living: health, happiness and home.

Health - your nutrition, exercise and fitness routines, how you feel physically, personal hygiene

Happiness - your true self, your hobbies, passions, career, social life, family, faith

Home - your immediate environment (i.e. your house) and also your global home and your impact on the earth

At Cailen Ascher Design, we feel these three broad areas comprise our lives. If these areas are in sync and work together, we have a zest for life and smiles on our faces. Yet, if they're imbalanced we can feel sluggish, unhappy, sad, tired or even become ill. That's why it's so important to routinely evaluate your lifestyle with these three components in mind. If you find you're spending so much time at work that your exercise routine is non-existent and your house rarely gets straightened, you're bound to feel depleted and frustrated. The first step is acknowledging the imbalance and then the next step is to proactively address it. Take a yoga class with a friend or your spouse, before dinner one night, ask your family to spend 15 minutes straightening, take a few deep breaths. Small changes = big results!

Happy, healthy living : )

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com.


Sharing the nest...

My boyfriend and I recently purchased our first home. It's been a whirlwind experience filled with lots of laughs, smiles and just a few little fights : ) Below I've listed some tips for anyone who is newly sharing their nest.

1. Acceptance. If you're moving in with someone, you obviously love and care about who they are. You accept and appreciate them better or worse....and worse can sometimes mean a different design sense! Realize that their style may not be completely compatible with yours, but learn to appreciate (or look beyond) it. If they have something that you find truly unacceptable, discuss it openly and be sure to ask if you have anything they would like you to reconsider hanging on to.

2. Compromise. Realize that you both are going to have to give up some things that you've grown accustomed to. If you both have a couch and only have room for one, you're going to have to decide whose to keep. Remember that your love and relationship are more important than furniture!

3. Bring in some new. Another fun, exciting and sometimes stressful part of moving in is purchasing new items together. Be sure to remain open minded and don't get offended if your partner isn't drawn to what you were hoping for. Finding a solution that meets both of your needs is much more important for the long run.

Hope these tips are helpful! Have fun decorating : ).