
My boyfriend, Craig, and I began the P90X DVD workouts last Tuesday and so far, so good. The workouts are challenging (and a little time consuming), but I'm really enjoying them thus far. (Especially Kenpo, which is like Tae Bo on steroids.) The program is 90 days long, and you workout 6 days a week, which is a bit of a commitment, but they promise phenomenal results. The workouts alternate between cardio-based and strength-based routines and all get you sweating.

The DVDs are recommended for fit people who already workout and are looking to up their intensity to see results. It is definitely not for beginners. (I've been working out regularly for years, and these workouts kick my butt!) With that said, if you have the time and energy to try something new that will definitely make you "feel the burn", P90X is for you!

As I mentioned, we began the program on Tuesday, May 19th. So far, I haven't noticed any real changes (but I'm only a week in, right?!) Also, I have not experienced much (if any) weight loss - though I am not really in it to lose weight. My goal is to really tone my body and get more muscle definition, which the other P90X graduates got big-time. My boyfriend said he hasn't lost much weight either, but we both agree that our form throughout the workouts and our stamina is improving. I'll keep you posted...

P90X, baby!

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com.


Flat Belly Progress Report

Well, the 32 day initiation to the "Flat Belly Diet" is drawing to a close. Tomorrow is our last official day of the introductory month, and I'm proud to say it was an extremely successful month. As of yesterday, my dad is down 20lbs and my mom is down 11lb!!! They are both so pleased with their results and love the program so much, we're going to stick to it without much revision for the next month. We haven't taken final measurements yet, but we're all anxious to see how many inches we've lost over the past 4 1/2 weeks (as of last time she checked, about a week ago, my mom's waist was already down 3 inches).

The best part of the "Flat Belly Diet" is the program's flexibility. You can really tailor it to your likes and dislikes. The recipes offered in the book are very good, and if you're diligent about portion control, including a MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acid such as olive oil, avocado, pesto, olives, etc.) and evaluating calories, you have the freedom to create your own recipes quite easily. I would suggest, however, for the first few weeks to adhere to the book's recipes, just until to get the hang of it.

I highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking for a healthy eating regimen to excite their appetite and refuel their energy for healthy living!

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com.


There's No Place Like Home...

There really is no place like home. Did you ever notice that? Home is the one place in the world where we can completely be ourselves, relax, and find comfort. At least is should be that way. That is why it's essential to create an environment that nurtures and complements your lifestyle.

If your home is in sync with your needs, wants, and behaviors, it generates an atmosphere of harmony and peace. Often, though, it's difficult to tell if your home is out-of-line with your lifestyle. If you need some help deciding whether or not your home needs a makeover to better suit your needs, reflect upon the following questions.

1. Do you commonly feel stressed out when you're in your home?

2. Do you often misplace things or feel disorganized?

3. Do you find it hard to relax and unwind?

4. Do daily activities (such as exercising, cooking, reading, or doing work) seem difficult or unnecessarily stressful?

5. Do you ever find yourself wanting to go out to "escape" the mess, work, environment, etc.?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, there's a good chance that your home (or certain elements in your home) is in need of a makeover. Look at the question(s) you answered "yes" to and think about why you feel that way and what you could possibly do to alleviate the problem. Oftentimes, solutions are easier than you would initially think. For example, if you find it hard to relax and go to sleep at night, maybe you need to take your laptop computer out of your bedroom and develop a work area in the public spaces of your home. Or, if you find yourself running all over the kitchen when cooking dinner, think about what items you use most frequently and reorganize your cabinets to suit your needs. If you're observant and creative, you can easily align your home with your lifestyle and make everything run smoothly!

Remember, there's no place like home.......

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com.


Improve Your Mood

Holidays, though meant to be a wonderful time spent with family and friends, often produce more stress than joy. To help you through the next few months, here are some simple tips to improve your mood instantly when the pressure of the holidays is getting to you.

1. Smile - You would be surprised how quickly a "fake" smile can turn into a genuine one.

2. Go for a walk - Remove yourself from the stressful situation. You'll find clarity and compassion when there's bit of distance between you and the source of your woes.

3. Laugh out loud - Laughing is an instant mood-booster. Recruit your favorite movie, TV show or youtube video for help!

4. Let it out - Sometimes we keep too much bottled up inside. Take some time for yourself away from everyone else and cry, scream or just breath. You'll feel better afterwards...I promise.

5. Breath deeply - Slowing your breath can make you feel so much more calm and grounded. Breath slowly in through your nose, hold the breath in your lungs briefly and then exhale slowly through your mouth. It works like a charm.

6. Read a good book - Reading is such a pleasurable activity and one that we often don't make time for. Giving yourself a few minutes each day to indulge in your favorite magazine, catch-up with the paper, or read a chapter in your current bedside book is a great way to recharge your batteries.

7. Meditate - You don't have to really meditate, but at least give yourself 10 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time. You deserve it!

8. Take a power nap - The holidays unfortunately can take a lot out of us. When you're running on empty take a quick nap. You'll wake up feeling refreshed and replenished.

9. Listen to your favorite song - When you're feeling stressed or burnt out, turn to your favorite CD or song for some help. Whether you put on your favorite bluesy chill-out CD or your upbeat pop favorite to boost your mood, it's guaranteed to give you a few moments of "me-time".

10. Think happy thoughts - Make a mental list of all that you're truly grateful for, picture your favorite vacation spot, or envision a moment when you felt particularly happy. You can only hold one thought in your head at a time!

Lastly, make sure you take some time for yourself! During the holidays we give so much of ourselves to everyone else, be certain to make time for your needs as well. Take a bath, drink a cup of tea, or just take a moment to sit and relax.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com
