wild fires

when craig and i went down to north carolina last week, we flew over wild fires.  at 10:30pm at night, as we were beginning our descent into wilmington, we gazed out the window and were confused by what we saw.  patches of fiery orange amongst the trees.  we speculated about what it might be.  craig suggested wild fires.

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when we landed, we found out that a few hours north, there were indeed wild fires, and the smoke was being blown down the coast to where we were staying on oak island.

while meditating at the end of yoga class today, i remembered the wild fires and a thought struck me.  from that great distance above, they were not threatening or ferocious or hot.  they were mystifying...almost beautiful.

had we been on the ground anywhere near them, it would have been all-consuming.  heat and fear.  terrifying.  yet, from above, they looked rather small, contained & manageable.  not that scary at all.

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it made me consider other "wild fires" in my life.  problems, events or thoughts that appear all-consuming and terrifying, yet, given a new perspective, diminish into a small patch of glowing orange. 

what wild fires can you rise above today?.

whole foods shopping trip 101

totally digging the glass milk bottles : )
after yesterday's post (and because we were in extreme need of food), i felt inspired to visit a local market for today's groceries.  i went to this specific market because it's run by a del val college's farm program - so they are committed to providing high-quality, local, organic foods.  not to mention, i heard that the milk they offer from their dairy is to-die-for.

i filled my cart with:

petite local strawberries
plump blueberries
fingerling potatoes
two heads of garlic
fresh baked multi-grain bread
skim & 2% milk from their dairy
fresh roasted turkey, sliced
sliced ham for sandwiches (for craig)
seven stars organic biodynamic yogurt (more about "biodynamic" below)
bananas (not local, but i'm not ready to go without them...yet)
ground turkey from an organic & humane farm
the sweetest little cherry tomatoes from their green house
gourmet olive oil
a peach, a pear & a plum (just realized now about the alliteration haha)

the market's interior

ok, so what is biodynamic yogurt?  biodynamic is an even more stringent process than just the mere "organic" certification requires.  biodynamic farms seek to be in harmony with nature.  they focus heavily on compost and creating a self-sustaining environment that requires very little "input" (i.e. unnecessary energy) to maintain.  ok...very cool.

all that delicious food did come with a price tag.  $72.56 for the cart.  and i didn't get any dry goods or eggs.  so yeah, it's definitely a more expensive shopping trip - i normally spend around $70/week for all our groceries...

me & my biodynamic yogurt

but, i must say, the maple yogurt i enjoyed with fresh blueberries & strawberries was divine.  and i felt really good about supporting local farms while getting higher-quality ingredients.  i'm still in the game..

simple things to change your world

ever notice how the most simple, basic things can change your world?  i think one of the most rewarding things you can do for for yourself is check-in and recenter.  here are some things i do to connect with my inner maven : )

move – just 15 minutes of exercise can change your day…and your life.  i love starting my day with movement – especially yoga.  it sets me right with the world and with myself.  if an exercise routine is new to you, start small.  incorporate a manageable amount of fitness into your week (like 15-20 minutes, 3 days a week),  and grow from there.  don’t beat yourself up about what you should do – just do something.  some exercise is better than no exercise at all.

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- eat – fresh fruits and veggies are not just good for you, they really and truly make you feel good too, inside & out.  when you feed your body wholesome, nutritious foods, it thanks you.  i know from personal experience that the better I eat, the better I feel.  i don’t need any diet plan or book to tell what to (or not to) eat.  my body tells me.  now i just have to focus on really listening : )

sleep – getting 7-8 hours of sleep is the backbone of any truly healthy lifestyle.  without restorative sleep, your body is not prepared to tackle the day – mentally or physically.  How can your body expect to focus let alone workout or be productive if it’s lacking something so essential?!  often we have to get up early for work, so sleeping in is rarely an option, but shifting your bedtime a bit earlier may be all it takes to make you feel refreshed when morning time comes.  (plenty of sleep and still struggle to get out of bed?  craig, my fiancé, swears by this trick.  drink a glass of water upon waking.  he says it clears the morning “fog”.)

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read – for our jobs, we often are reading all day long.  but that’s not the kind of reading i’m talking about.  how long has it been since you’ve read something that enriches your life?  or read for pleasure?  probably too long.  lately, i’ve “rediscovered” my love of reading and have incorporated it into my pre-bedtime routine.  settling in with a good book and losing yourself in its pages is such a treat and a great way to wind down from a long day.

what simple thing has changed your world?.

the art of letting go

“let go of the parts of life that you honestly don’t want”

what a simple statement.  so elegant in its poignant conciseness.  yet how many of us really & truly embrace this concept?  whether it’s that ugly teapot from aunt mildred or a bad habit that’s compromising our health, letting go is hard.  we feel guilty.  we feel stuck.  we feel comfortable with the way things are…even if we know a change would serve us better.

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just think how freeing it would be if we rid ourselves of all the crap that is holding us back and weighing us down.  our cluttered closets, our addiction to junk food, our incessant worries.  we all know that these things inhibit us.  they strap us down and keep us from our fabulousity – our full potential of happiness & health.  so, why don’t we just let go?  because we’re scared?  probably.  because change is hard?  well, yes…sometimes.  but, if you let go of the things you honestly don’t want, it makes space in your life for all the wonderful things you love and enjoy.  and with all the junk cleared, you can begin to appreciate the beauty that was already there, waiting to be uncovered.

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so, take a (mini) leap.  donate the teapot and try an apple instead of a bag of chips for your afternoon snack.  i guarantee you’ll feel better, and you’ll begin to tap into your inner maven as you move one step closer to being effortlessly fabulous…

what are you going to let go?.