Don't Worry, Be Happy : )

Did you know that you have everything you need within you at this very moment to be happy? You just have to recognize it and choose it. Yes, happiness is a choice. Sure, if you had a bit more money or weighed a bit less, maybe you’d convince yourself (or allow yourself) to be marginally happier for a short time, but what it really comes down to is your attitude.

Every day we are faced with a thousand little things that we need to take care of. We all have to go to the grocery store, walk the dog, go to work, make dinner, pay bills, etc., yet some people just seem to enjoy the ride more than others. Some people see life as a journey, enjoying each precious moment; others see it as a destination, always waiting for the future moment when they can “enjoy” life. When you think about it, doesn’t it seem a bit wasteful to put happiness on hold until some future date when the stars align, you magically lose 20 pounds and win the lottery? Because, chances are, that day will never come, or even if it does, I’m sure your hair will be frizzy or you’ll get in a fight with your husband… If you can’t be happy now, what makes you think you’ll be “happy when…”?

Happiness grows from the inside out, not the outside in. Choose happiness. Choose it now. When something starts to bother you, and you feel yourself slipping into that negative, dark space, take a deep breath and smile. It may seemed forced, but over time that smile will transform into a genuine grin : ).

Secrets of a Skinny Chick

I recently created a HubPage filled with great information for achieving a happy, healthy lifestyle.  If you want some inspiration as to how to live a harmonious life, check it out! SKINNY CHICK!  Let me know what you think : ).

Farm to Table

In my on-going quest to live better, I've decided to eat more local, whole foods and cut many processed foods out of my diet. That said, over the past week I've stopped at a local farm stand for fresh zucchini, corn and blueberries and made homemade granola and trail mix to replace my go-to granola bar. Even though it's only been a few days (and actual, physical benefits I'm sure have yet to take place), I already feel better.

Just the idea of eating farm-to-table makes you feel healthier. The concept that your food was locally grown and cared for by people in your community is completely cool. Not only are you eating healthy and DELICIOUS food, but you're also supporting your community and reducing your carbon footprint on the planet. You can't really beat that combo, can you?

If you're interested in becoming a "locavore" too, check out for the location of your nearest farmer's market. And remember, small changes can have big results. If we all just made a few small changes to our grocery shopping habits and diets, amazingly positive changes could occur.

So, next time you're hungry, think about eating something from nearby : ).

You Decide How You Feel!

I know, I hate it too when people tell me "the only person who can make you sad/mad/happy is you!". Yet, as much as I may hate to hear it, I know deep down it's true. No one else has control over your inner workings and thoughts. You alone have the ability to dwell on the problem, seek the solution or let it go. You alone can decide whether or not to see the "silver lining" in any given situation.

As much as it may feel like other people are making you feel this or that. When it really comes down to it, you alone have the power to let their decisions and words affect you (or not). It's your choice.

Choose wisely : ).