om monday: smile asana

did you ever notice that when you smile, it can have a physical effect or your body?  in yoga, we're often encouraged to enjoy a "smile asana" (i.e. a smile pose) when we're holding muscle-burning postures.  bringing a genuine smile to your face when your thighs are on fire, truly does make it easier to hold...and dare i say enjoy...

credit {here}

my one teacher describes it as buddha-face - that totally "blissed-out" look of sheer contentment. 

smiling makes us look more attractive, feel better, appear younger & reduces stress!  (see all smile facts {here})  so, if you're looking to tap into the fountain of youth - i recommend starting with a smile or two...and maybe even a bit of laughter, because, after all, laughter is the best medicine.

smiling is the best makeup, eh?  let's test this theory:  early morning makeup.
having trouble turning that frown upside-down?  i always find that a visit to youtube can work wonders : )  babies & dogs generally do the trick for me.  haha  (you'll need sound on for this one.)

what makes you smile : )

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fall check list

i'm totally feelin' fall lately.  i've been loving the subtly crisp mornings, and the fact that the world is still a little dark and sleepy when i head out to 6am yoga on tuesday & thursdays.  fall reconnects me to the things i love and value most - home, hearth & family.

so, i thought i'd share a fun little fall check list to get us in the mood for cooler days & falling leaves.

item #1 - cute "fallish" outfit.  check.

i cannot take credit for this lovely combo, but i do envy it!

item # 2 - harvesty drink.  check.

recipe for apple cider float {here}

item #3 - quintessential autumn location to enjoy my cider float while wearing my cute outfit.  check.

credit {here}

i'm so ready for autumn to be here full force, but until then, i'll drool over my check list...

so, mavens, what makes for your ideal autumn?


karmic connection

as many of you know (and thank you for your kind words of support & encouragement!), i started yogadharma this past weekend – my 9 month long yoga + dharma (i.e. yoga philosophy) immersion course.  i was there friday 5-9 and both saturday & sunday 12-6.  and it was fabulous. 

credit {here}

already my mind is reeling with new ways of thinking about the world around me.  (like if everything really is just cause and effect – what can i do to change certain “effects” i’m experiencing in my life right now?  how do i plant karmic seeds of positive change?  and how do i feel the inner spiral of my back thigh in warrior 2 while still tucking the tailbone?!!)

the program challenges you both physically and mentally.  and i have no doubt that by the end of these next 9 months, i will be irrevocably changed for the better.
what goes around, comes around. credit {here}

many of my classmates come from north jersey, philadelphia and nyc and have quite a commute home after our long classes – i live a mere mile…if that…from the club where yogadharma is being taught.  i feel completely fortunate and privileged to be a part of it and realize i’m so lucky to have access to such life-altering teachings in my back yard. 

after this past weekend, i’m thinking karma had a little something to do with it…

so mavens, what has karmabrought into your life?


om monday: what is your dharma?

one of my yoga teachers was explaining the concept of dharma in class the other day.  i was completely enthralled by her explanation, so naturally i wanted to share it with you all : )

dharma is the idea that every person is born with a unique purpose.  and, our life mission is to align with that purpose and thus contribute our gift to the world.  cool, right?!

credit {here}

and, even cooler, the more in-line you are with your specific dharma, the more successful you will be - as people will be drawn to you and intrigued by you.  when you align with your dharma, you radiate confidence and charisma because you have recognized your innate passion.

so, mavens...what is your dharma?  i'm hoping/thinking/feeling that mine has something to do with sharing my advice, recipes & yoga inspiration with all of you!
