om monday: all or nothing

i have to admit, i'm a follower of the "all or nothing" thought process from time to time.  it's not something that i'm proud of, but it's something i've come to recognize and work with.

in case you're unfamiliar, "all or nothing" thinking goes like this - "ugh, i already ate way to many sweets....might as well have some more since healthy eating is shot for today". or maybe a few obstacles come up as you begin to pursue a new venture and you throw in the towel.  all or nothing is the code of the perfectionist.  either things are perfect or they're not...there's no in between.  no gray area.  no room for growth.

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when we harden around trying to be perfect, we close ourselves off from boundless opportunities.  yoga teaches it differently.  it's about the balance of effort and ease.  yoga lives in the zone between your current abilities and your absolute highest potential.  you cannot be a perfectionist with yoga - or you'll quit.  no one can do all the poses perfectly all the time.  the beauty of the practice comes from walking on the edge of your comfort zone and discovering in what areas you can grow.

in yoga class i have been able to let go of my "all or nothing" perfectionist tendencies.  enjoying exactly where i am, because i've seen gradual improvements from showing up day after day.  and i know that i will continue to grow.  it's not about getting full form of the pose now, it's about appreciating where my body can go today while also knowing there is unlimited potential for expansion if i keep showing up for myself.

now, the next step is to take those lessons off the mat and into my daily life.  remembering it's not about perfection, it's about practice.

namaste : )


om monday: mind yoga {guest post}

Well Hello Mavens,
 My name is Ashlee Michelle.
 Usually, you can find me over on my blog.
But, today I get the joy of being a guest blogger here on
the most fabulous Lifestyle Maven, Cailen.
Today, I am going to talk about Yoga.
But not the physical kind of Yoga, I am going to talk about
Emotional “Mind” yoga. Yes, I called it Mind Yoga.
I have been practicing yoga, both physical and mental for about
4 years and I can honestly say my life has changed drastically.
Did you know that you are always practicing yoga in your everyday life?
When you lean over the get that pencil you dropped, or you bend down to pick up that load
of laundry, and even when you compliment your peers on their wonderful attire for the day.
 How are we able to keep our blood flow going, our minds at ease and our Karma good?
               Simple, we do it by breathing. In and out. All Day, Every Day
Frustration, Anger, Tears, and tense muscles don't need to happen.
When you are having a bad day or you are in a tight spot, just close your eyes for a moment
and take a deep breath in, hold it, and then breathe out. When you open your eyes, your mind will be peaceful.
There is no need to get all stressed out and hurt about the things that aren't going your way.
There is also no need for being rude to someone, you can redeem yourself by just taking a breath in and releasingall that stale air and bad thoughts. It is quick and simple. Your mood will change and so will your luck.
If your mind is at ease, your muscles are calm, and you are generally happy...
Then you are practicing yoga in the right way.
Keep on Practicing...
Just Breathe!
Thanks for having me, Cailen.
visit my blog {here}
Peace, Love, and Butterflies
- Ashlee Michelle


om monday: still waters run deep

a few days ago i watched a new yoga documentary called yogawoman.  the film highlighted the expansion of women-dominated yoga in the west - especially interesting because yoga originally began as a supremely male practice.

they delved into many aspects of how yoga affects our bodies, self-esteem, thought-processes and helps us cope with fluctuations throughout our lives.  very cool film.

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one particular metaphor lingered with me, and  i want to share it with you.  i feel it beautifully communicates how yoga works on the mind & body.

they compared our physical bodies to an ocean.  for many of us, the ocean is often turbulent, constantly churning the elements below; making it impossible to glimpse into its profound depths.  by working the physical body and concentrating on breath and alignment, yoga begins to calm the surface of the water.  and once the surface is calmed, we are able to behold the immense depths beneath the surface.

that metaphor completely resounded with me, because i have experienced that shift first hand.  by working on my physical body with yoga, i have begun to experience positive changes in my mood, temperament and overall experience of life.  fascinating and wonderful.

namaste : )


om monday: our storyline

in yoga class today, we were encouraged to examine the storyline we craft for ourselves.  you know, the things you say, or think, about yourself.  i'm good at math.  i'm a horrible cook.  i have no patience.  i'm great at tree pose.  i suck at warrior 3. 

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 we all craft storylines for ourselves, our lives and our futures.  but what if we stopped self-perpetuating the negative things we've "written" for ourselves?  what if, instead of saying, thinking, feeling that you'll never get a new (and better) job, you focus on the positive of your current position and then delve into what actionable steps you can take toward remedying the situation.  so you move from "victim of your storyline" to "crafter of your destiny".

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negative thoughts, words and feelings breed more of the same.  if you're constantly going around focusing on how fat (you think) you are, you're only going to produce more negative thoughts and experiences.  drop your storyline that you're playing on repeat.  and take action.  be curious and approach the situation with fresh eyes...and you may see things clearly for the first time.

so mavens, what story are you ready to re-write?
