barn sale (a.k.a. first weekend with my new camera!)

this past weekend my parents had a barn sale at their house.  it was the perfect weekend for it.  sunny.  cool.  fallish.  han, my sis, made homemade bread, apple pies & crisps and delicious soups.  (some to sell and extra for us to enjoy : )  it was the perfect way to welcome october. 

and, even better, craig surprised me with a new camera on friday!  my digital camera is very old and has been slowly dying, and i was in desperate need of a new one.  then, my mom loaned me hers, but it doesn't auto-focus.  a few blurry shots are ok, artistic even, but it gets old quick.  thanks for the new camera babe...i love it!

hope you enjoyed the picts from my new toy : )  i'm lovin' it.
