New Features!!!

In order to better serve my clients (and potential clients) I've created some cool new features on my website and blog : )

First off, I've designed a few online stores to share products and resources that I have found particularly useful (and fun) on my ongoing quest for "Well-Designed Living". Feel free to visit, browse and offer your thoughts and suggestions. I'd love to hear your feedback. My Amazon store has dvds, books, exercise accessories and more to help you reach your wellness goals My CafePress store has gear that will make you smile and empower you on your journey to health and happiness

Another great service I'm just starting up is Phone Consultations (see the blue "call" button to the right?). For those of you who are too busy or live too far away to meet with me in person, I'm now offering Lifestyle Consultations via phone. So, give me a call and we'll discuss how you can design your lifestyle to support happy, healthy living. (FYI: It's free to call, and I'd love to hear from you! But just so you know, if you choose to continue with a full lifestyle consultation you will be prompted to finalize payment before continuing. Consultations can be any length you choose : )

I hope that you enjoy and make use of these new features from Cailen Ascher Design. They're pretty cool, if I do say so myself....

Happy, healthy living!.