Listen to Cailen read this message here.
I’ve come to realize something that is totally counterintuitive to what most people believe about business building. (Stick with me here, because this could totally change your world.)
Hustle and effort alone will not get you there.
I know that you’ve probably heard that in order to build a super successful business you need to be a slave to your efforts. You need to work into the wee morning hours and bust your butt on the weekends. You need to sacrifice. (I don’t buy it.)
But the truth is (unfortunately), no matter how hard you work, you’ll never get “there”.
Most people think that if they effort, hustle and push, push, push, they’ll eventually “get there”. (“There” being their version of success, whatever that might be for them.)
Here’s the funny thing, though, every single woman I talk to about her “dream business” says it brings her joy, and it enables her to live a lifestyle she loves. She uses words like flow, joy, ease.
So my question is: how can you turn effort, stress and pressure into joy, flow and ease?
(It’s a trick question. You can’t!)
You simply cannot start with stress, strain and pressure and create flow, joy and ease...they don’t equate!
It would be like starting with flour, sugar and eggs and thinking you could make yourself a delicious garden-fresh salad. You’re not starting with the right ingredients to get out what you want.
I’ve said it before, but it’s so worth saying again...the journey has to align with the destination.
You have to put in what you’re hoping to get out.
So, how do you find flow, joy and ease right now? No matter what business stage you’re in and no matter how much (or how little) success you’ve achieved? setting your sights on Business Clarity.
When your goal is to streamline your vision, clear your mindset blocks and then create a clear and thoughtful plan of inspired action, the push, push, effort is taken out of the equation.
Many business coaches will tell you you need to work 60 hour weeks, stay up late and wake up early, suffer and scrimp and save to build an amazing business. But, that means you’re putting life on hold for someday in the future when you’ll (hopefully) achieve the success you desire.
That method is not for me. I built my Clarity Coaching business from nothing to my first 5-figure month in less than 9 months while working just 3 days a week (about 20 hours total).
If that’s the kind of business you want to have in the end, that’s the kind of business you need to be building the whole time! And, Business Clarity can deliver that to you. (It did for me!)
My signature group program, Business Clarity Accelerator, is currently open for enrollment, and in it I’ll be covering the 6 core pieces of Clarity that are essential for building an ease-full business with unstoppable momentum.
If that sounds like a “Yes!” to you, you can read more about Business Clarity Accelerator here.
Also, today is the LAST DAY for Early Bird Enrollment Bonuses!
Which means, if you want…
Early Bird Bonuses (because I like to reward the ladies who take quick, clear action! These will disappear at 9pm ET TODAY.)
Kick-off Call with yours truly on September 1st to get things moving right away!
Clarity Book List of my favorite, must-reads for lasting Business Clarity
Money Clarity Self-Study Program [value $197] which takes BCA’s week 6 lesson to a whole new level
Basic Legal Guide for Entrepreneurs: Turning Legal Mush into Legal Magic from guest expert Gena Shingle Jaffe, Sparkly Lawyer for Entrepreneurs
100 Questions to Keep Your Community Engaged from guest expert Jordana Jaffe, Facebook Group Expert
Additional Bonuses
Clarity Interview audio recording of the exact questions I begin all my 1x1 coaching sessions with to bring you a dose of instant Business Clarity
Future Self Visualization to help you define your vision and align your mindset with it
Business Clarity Survey to take stock of where you’re starting from so you can clearly see your remarkable (accelerated!) progress need to enroll in BCA by 9pm ET tonight before these hundreds of dollars worth of Early Bird Bonuses disappear.
Enroll now & get instant access to all of your awesome bonuses.
Enrollment closes soon and won’t reopen again until sometime in 2017, so if you’re ready to leave the effort behind and find the ease of Business Clarity, now is the time.
I’d LOVE to have you along for this transformational experience. It’ll shift your life + business forever.
And, if you have any questions about BCA -- seriously, any at all -- reach out to me and my team at I’m here to help you make the very best decision for you, whether or not that means working together at this time :-)
P.S. Learn the 6 core pieces of Business Clarity that are essential for building an ease-full business with unstoppable momentum. Learn more about Business Clarity Accelerator here.