What Does Resistance Tell You?

Did you ever notice that sometimes, even when you have an exciting idea or concept, you resist working on it or even thinking about it? You do the laundry, wash the dishes, check your email, all while your "big idea" is lurking in the recesses of your mind. Why do we resist working on projects that we know will be fulfilling and completely rewarding?

I asked myself this very question last week as I proceeded to do a multitude of small to-dos, while my big idea (the current book I'm writing) waited for me to return to it. I'm not sure of the precise reasons (I'm not a psychologist), but I'm guessing my resistance has something to do with uncertainty and fear. As long as I busy myself doing all the mundane daily stuff that "has to" get done, I get a nominal sense of accomplishment and don't have to face the potential pitfalls of the big idea - frustration, rejection, failure...

But, the thing is, all those potential pitfalls currently exist solely in my mind. My book is (for now) just a harmless word document. I was resisting because I felt overwhelmed. I felt the looming pressure to succeed. This book is a big project (my biggest to date) and when you look at EVERYTHING that has to get done to get it out there and into the hands of readers, it is overwhelming. (My heart's beating now, just writing that...) But (deep breath), all I have to do to get my book completed and out there is to work on it consistently (that's not so scary is it?). So, as long as I set aside some time every day to put some words on paper, do some research, make some calls, it WILL get done. And that's a completely wonderful and reassuring realization.

So, in my resistance, I found answers. Instead of ignoring my resistance and consequently letting it halt my endeavors, I confronted it, questioned it, and gained clarity. The next you're feeling uncertain and resisting something that will ultimately be good for you, ask yourself "why am I resisting this?". You'll be amazed at what you learn about yourself.

Live better every day.

Cailen Ascher Poles is a lifestyle designer and author. For more information about Cailen and her design company, Cailen Ascher Design, visit www.CailenAscher.com.


The Danger of the Word "Diet"

Millions of us (myself included) have turned to diets to help us to lose weight...South Beach, Atkins, Jenny Craig, SlimFast, the list goes on and on and on... The problem is, the more diet programs that offer "the solution", the fatter our country becomes. So, what's the deal? The problem lies in our perception of the word "diet". When you hear the word diet, you subliminally register "strenuous", "difficult", "deprivation", "not enjoyable" and "short-term". And honestly, who wants to commit to something that seems so completely awful?!

Instead of viewing dieting as a short-term fast after which you can return to your old ways, try to view diet changes as healthy lifestyle changes. Any alterations you make to your eating or exercise should occur slowly and in a sustainable way. If you jump in too quickly and make too many changes at once, you're bound to revert back to your previous habits. It takes 30 days to program a lifestyle habit. So, make small changes that you can sustain for 30 days, because after that initial period, it will be much, much easier to keep with the healthy modifications you've introduced into your life.

My suggestion? Make it fun! Try a new, healthy recipe a few nights a week. Learn how to cook nutritious, wholesome food. When you grocery shop, switch out some of your staples (i.e. pre-packaged cookies, chips or sugary granola bars) for whole food options (i.e. unsalted roasted nuts, berries or fruit). Include a veggie or fruit at every meal or snack (i.e. add banana to your cereal, have an apple instead of pretzels with your sandwich, have roasted red peppers on your chicken at dinner). Talk to friends whose healthy eating you admire and learn their tricks. These small inclusions will begin to shift your perception of what eating healthy foods really entails. Also, if you're feeling super motivated, try incorporating just 10-20 minutes of exercise 4-5 days a week and really begin to see the results of your healthy lifestyle!

Happy, healthy living!.

Steps to Well-Designed Living

I've just started work on my new book! It's going to delve even further into the important aspects of "Well-Designed Living" and empower readers to design their own lives. "Well-Designed Living" is about looking at your health, happiness and home and creating a lifestyle that energizes and inspires you. Below is a simple outline to introduce to the concept of designing your life.

There are three important principles that will help and guide you as you remake your lifestyle to support happier, healthier living: intuition, simplicity and beauty.

1. Trust your intuition! First and foremost, learn to listen to your inner guide. Deep down, only we know what is truly best for us, what will deplete us and what will nurture us. Hone the invaluable skill of trusting your gut.

2. Simplify your life and home! Too often we fill our lives (and homes) with items, experiences and people that drain our energy. The act of simplification is not only cleansing for your house and your soul, it will further get you in touch with your inner guide as you learn to differentiate between things that are functional and beautiful and items that are not contributing to your life.

3. Seek beauty! As you learn to trust your intuition and simplify your lifestyle, the innate beauty of your house, your life and you, yourself will begin to shine through. Make it your goal to look for the beauty in yourself, in those around you and in all areas of your life. If you choose to seek beauty, the more fulfilling and wondrous your life will undoubtedly become.

Happy designing!.

New Features!!!

In order to better serve my clients (and potential clients) I've created some cool new features on my website and blog : )

First off, I've designed a few online stores to share products and resources that I have found particularly useful (and fun) on my ongoing quest for "Well-Designed Living". Feel free to visit, browse and offer your thoughts and suggestions. I'd love to hear your feedback. My Amazon store has dvds, books, exercise accessories and more to help you reach your wellness goals http://astore.amazon.com/cailaschdesi-20. My CafePress store has gear that will make you smile and empower you on your journey to health and happiness http://shops.cafepress.com/WellDesignedLiving.

Another great service I'm just starting up is Phone Consultations (see the blue "call" button to the right?). For those of you who are too busy or live too far away to meet with me in person, I'm now offering Lifestyle Consultations via phone. So, give me a call and we'll discuss how you can design your lifestyle to support happy, healthy living. (FYI: It's free to call, and I'd love to hear from you! But just so you know, if you choose to continue with a full lifestyle consultation you will be prompted to finalize payment before continuing. Consultations can be any length you choose : )

I hope that you enjoy and make use of these new features from Cailen Ascher Design. They're pretty cool, if I do say so myself....

Happy, healthy living!.