Steps to Well-Designed Living

I've just started work on my new book! It's going to delve even further into the important aspects of "Well-Designed Living" and empower readers to design their own lives. "Well-Designed Living" is about looking at your health, happiness and home and creating a lifestyle that energizes and inspires you. Below is a simple outline to introduce to the concept of designing your life.

There are three important principles that will help and guide you as you remake your lifestyle to support happier, healthier living: intuition, simplicity and beauty.

1. Trust your intuition! First and foremost, learn to listen to your inner guide. Deep down, only we know what is truly best for us, what will deplete us and what will nurture us. Hone the invaluable skill of trusting your gut.

2. Simplify your life and home! Too often we fill our lives (and homes) with items, experiences and people that drain our energy. The act of simplification is not only cleansing for your house and your soul, it will further get you in touch with your inner guide as you learn to differentiate between things that are functional and beautiful and items that are not contributing to your life.

3. Seek beauty! As you learn to trust your intuition and simplify your lifestyle, the innate beauty of your house, your life and you, yourself will begin to shine through. Make it your goal to look for the beauty in yourself, in those around you and in all areas of your life. If you choose to seek beauty, the more fulfilling and wondrous your life will undoubtedly become.

Happy designing!.

New Features!!!

In order to better serve my clients (and potential clients) I've created some cool new features on my website and blog : )

First off, I've designed a few online stores to share products and resources that I have found particularly useful (and fun) on my ongoing quest for "Well-Designed Living". Feel free to visit, browse and offer your thoughts and suggestions. I'd love to hear your feedback. My Amazon store has dvds, books, exercise accessories and more to help you reach your wellness goals My CafePress store has gear that will make you smile and empower you on your journey to health and happiness

Another great service I'm just starting up is Phone Consultations (see the blue "call" button to the right?). For those of you who are too busy or live too far away to meet with me in person, I'm now offering Lifestyle Consultations via phone. So, give me a call and we'll discuss how you can design your lifestyle to support happy, healthy living. (FYI: It's free to call, and I'd love to hear from you! But just so you know, if you choose to continue with a full lifestyle consultation you will be prompted to finalize payment before continuing. Consultations can be any length you choose : )

I hope that you enjoy and make use of these new features from Cailen Ascher Design. They're pretty cool, if I do say so myself....

Happy, healthy living!.

Get Healthier This Spring!

1. Eat local and in season. Fill up on local, in-season produce. It's not only healthy, it's also green. Supporting your local farmstand will also support your weight loss goals!
2. Change your workout vocabulary! Saying "I choose to workout" instead of "I have to workout" can work wonders on your mindset. Saying "I have to..." makes you into the victim of your circumstances. When you choose to do something that's healthy, it's empowering!
3. Get outside. Committing to a healthier lifestyle can be as easy as getting outside more often. With beautiful weather heading our way, take the time to enjoy nature. Go for a walk or a bike ride or visit a local park. Even small changes, like more walking, can have a huge impact on your weight loss and health goals.
4. Start small. Small changes can have big results. To get in the habit of working out and taking time for yourself start with something very manageable - like 10 minutes, 4 days a weeks of cardio. It takes 30+ days to form a lasting habit, so make sure you give yourself something you can stick with. After a few weeks, add a few minutes or an extra day to your routine.


Find Happiness : )

Below are some simple tips to find happiness in every day moments.

1. Smile. The old saying of "fake it til you make it" holds true with happiness as well. When things are getting you down, put a smile on your face and feel the effects spread throughout your body. If you need a little help, turn to your favorite sitcom or youtube video for help!

2. Be present. Live in the moment. So much of our time is spent dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Strive to be present and aware as you move throughout your day and you'll undoubted find happiness the most unexpected places.

3. Make time for things you love. So often, we put off doing things we love (i.e. spending time with friends and family, watching a favorite movie, going for a bike ride, etc.) for when we're "done" with our to-do list. Unfortunately, that often results in us never taking time for ourselves. Give yourself 15 minutes a day to do something you love and enjoy. The benefits will really be invaluable.

: ).