Confession: My health issue turned out to be my best asset!

Confession: “My health issue turned out to be the best asset for my business.”
- Caitlin Padgett, Author + Coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol

Meet Caitlin Padgett. She’s one of those brave souls who transformed her biggest struggle into her greatest triumph, and she’s here today on The Clarity Confessions to undoubtedly inspire you to look at your own journey with a new perspective: how could my struggles help someone else?

Caitlin’s the author of Drink Less Be More: How to Have a Great Night (and Life!) without Getting Wasted and coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol. Whether the goal is moderation or eliminating alcohol completely, Caitlin supports women to find freedom, on their own terms.

At 29 years old, Caitlin’s work-hard, play-hard lifestyle started taking its toll on her. She realized she was drinking herself to sleep almost every night and blacking out every weekend. Wanting alternatives to mainstream treatment, Caitlin combined her background in psychology, nutrition, fitness, harm reduction and holistic health to craft an unconventional approach that is now helping countless women find their own healthy relationship with alcohol and reclaim their lives.


Tune into Caitlin’s Clarity Confession to learn…

  • How to gain ultimate freedom in your life

  • Where limitations and constraints really come from

  • How a health issue turned out to the best asset for her new business

  • Her best daily habits for writing a book (she wrote a book in the 2nd year of business!)

  • Why vulnerability is POWERFUL and how to embrace it

  • If you’re looking for it, wanting it, desiring it, others are too!

After you listen to Caitlin’s beautiful Clarity Confession, you can connect with her, and grab her free teaching, “How to Drink Less Successfully”, at

P.S. Ready to be truly FREE from the inside out? I’m collaborating with 25+ other inspiring experts in the Ticket to Freedom Summit to empower you with the guidance and necessary tools to launch or grow your soul-fueled business using the power of your mind, emotions and energy along with proven strategies for success on your terms. Get ready to let go of limiting beliefs and experience a paradigm shift. Join this amazing FREE event here.  

3 Simple Things to Stop Self-Sabotage in Business + Life

When I look back over the 7 looong years that I was a struggling entrepreneur, one thing is blatantly obvious. (Thank you 20-20 hindsight.) I was constantly getting in my own way!

I would pursue an idea, not fully believing in it.
I would berate myself with negative self-talk.
I would allow money blocks to stop me from investing and hiring the help I needed.
I would constantly question myself and if I really had what it takes to be a “success”.

Now, on this side of it, I realize that what was stopping me was ME!

That’s a tough realization to come to, but here’s the upside. If you’re the one stopping yourself, it means YOU are in control. The problem is you’re fighting for your limitations instead of working to release them.

If you’re warming up to the idea that YOU might be your own worst frenemy, then here are 3 simple things you can do, starting today to stop getting in your own way.

  1. Bring awareness to it! Yes, seriously, that is the first step. It’s that simple. We first need to recognize that how/when we are getting in our own way before we can start to change that behavior. Awareness creates space. It drives a tiny wedge between the true, steady, authentic you and the negative thoughts in your head. And, once we create that tiny crack, the light can start to get in :-)

  2. Don’t worry about why. Don’t get caught up in trying to figure out why you’re getting in your own way because that just perpetuates it. Instead, focus on moving forward. It starts by choosing thoughts that feel better. Again, super simple. Does it feel really crappy thinking about how little money you have in a bank? Stop dwelling on it! Worrying is like meditating on (or praying for) what you DO NOT want. When you focus on lack, you get more of the same. When you begin to release worry/doubt/negative self-talk/fear, you allow inspiration to enter.

  3. Create a mindset practice. Yes, it would be fabulous if we could address our self-sabotage once, and be done with it forever, but (at least in my case) it doesn’t work like that. That is where a Mindset Practice comes in -- doing small things every day to help support, maintain and expand your limitless mindset. My mindset practice includes morning meditation, daily yoga, reading, listening to inspiring teachings, journaling and positive self-talk throughout the day. Not sure how to get started with your Mindset Practice? I’ve got you covered. Join the free Mindset Reset Challenge here, and you’ll receive 5 daily mini-rituals and easy, feel-good action steps to help you create your own mindset practice.


Here’s to a limitless 2017, free of self-sabotage and overflowing with self-love and feel-good successes.

Happy Holidays + a gift for you :-)

Happy Holidays!

I hope this post finds you well and enjoying a relaxing + replenishing week with loved ones.

This is my favorite time of year. I’m a girl who loves traditions, and this time of year is chock full of them, which suits me just fine :-)

For me the holiday season begins with the preparation of the Thanksgiving meal (while watching the parade, of course), is punctuated with a number of “must-do” traditions (like cookie baking, tree selection & decorating and riding around to look at all the Christmas lights in our PJs), and wraps up with fireside-sitting and goal setting on January 1st with the completely terrible Mummers Parade on in the background (if you’re from the Philadelphia area, you know what this is).

There’s something about the ritual of doing these meaningful and heartfelt traditions year after year that warms my soul in a way that few other things can. I just love it.

More and more in recent years, I’ve come to recognize the importance of rituals in other areas of my life -- my morning meditation, my yoga practice, my evening journaling and reading. 

Those things, similar to the holiday traditions, give me something to come back to, look forward to and count on. They nurture my soul.

With that in mind, I want to invite you to join me for a soul-nurturing start to 2017.

My free Mindset Reset Challenge is starting January 2nd and will offer you 5 days of mini-rituals to help you reset your mindset for true happiness and success on your terms in the new year.

Each day of the challenge you’ll receive a short audio from me and a loving action step to help you “reset” your mindset and embrace self-love and growth. 

Together, we’ll uncover your Mindset Blocks and work to move beyond them so that you can enter into 2017 untethered by your limiting beliefs and ready to expand into your true potential!

This free Mindset Reset Challenge is my holiday gift to you. (I hope you like it!) 

Click here to register for this lovely free event, and you’ll receive more details about it as January 2nd approaches.

P.S. My gift for you this year? 5 days of mini-rituals to help you reset your mindset for happiness and success in 2017. Join the Mindset Reset Challenge here, and we’ll get started January 2nd!

Confession: I’m revolutionizing the coaching industry...

Confession: “I’m revolutionizing the coaching industry in the way I work with my clients.
- Lacey Craig, Business Mentor + Success Coach

Get ready to meet Lacey Craig, an awesome gal who has enjoyed massive success during her 1st year of coaching. (I’m talking about 6-figure success!)

Beyond that, Lacey is a business mentor and success coach for high-performing women entrepreneurs. She has her M.S in mental health counseling and her M.B.A. She's been a therapist and the director of a $45 million/year non-profit. She's also the proud owner of two successful online businesses, and the co-host of the Leading Greatly podcast. It’s her mission to help other women build and grow their own service-based business that truly lights them up and gives them the personal and financial freedom and impact they’ve always desired.


Check out Lacey’s Clarity Confession to learn…

  • How her upbringing impacted her choice to be an entrepreneur
  • The BEST and WORST things she did during her 1st year of business
  • Why she started out coaching clients for FREE (and went on to make 6-figures!) 
  • How she’s revolutionizing coaching industry
  • The Action Step you need to take right now to align your business with your true purpose

After you listen to Lacey’s Clarity Confession, visit her online home, A Lit Up Life, here to learn more about her and the work she does, or join her free Facebook Group here.

P.S. Mindset Reset is coming! Want to clear the Mindset Blocks that held you back in 2016? Click here to be the first to know when The FREE Mindset Reset Challenge returns in early January :-)