Uncover Your Money Story

Listen to me read this blog post here: 

Do you know that you have a Money Story?

It’s the unique way that you think about, relate to, and deal with money.

And, that Money Story is dictating everything from the number in your bank account to the price point you charge clients to how you feel about spending money on yourself.

When we allow our negative thought patterns about money affect us, it can become nearly impossible for our bank accounts to grow. Business feels like a lot of effort, and we feel at odds with our desires.

Now, you may be thinking, “I don’t know if I even have a money story”. (I get it, that’s kind of how I felt the first time a coach of mine brought it up.) But, I encourage you to remain open to this idea -- for me, it was a true game changer in my business (and life for that matter).

Let’s start here. Do you ever think to yourself?...

I have to worry about money.

Making money is hard.

I can’t buy that -- it’s too expensive.

I’m bad with money.

Money is stressful!

If you’re repeating thoughts like the ones I’ve listed above, you’re basically reaffirming to yourself again and again exactly what you DO NOT want.

You’re essentially doing a 24/7 mantra meditation for money lack.

Hear this: Money is neither good nor bad. Positive nor negative. We bring the emotion into the equation. So, that means, you get to choose how you relate to money! Your perception of money dictates your money reality.

Now, I get it, making money can feel like a challenge until we clear our money blocks. And, that starts with noticing your Money Story -- your “go-to” thoughts, actions, reactions, beliefs, and emotions around money.

When you bring more awareness into the equation, change is just around the corner. I promise.

Don’t let your financial life coast on autopilot, just hoping it will get better. It won’t, unless you plant the seeds for change.

If you want things to shift, you first have to take an honest look at where you’re starting from.

(Side note: This is NOT about getting down on yourself for having a negative Money Story -- that wouldn’t solve anything! This is about shining some light on the issue, and realizing that you don’t have to continue moving through the world with the same “money baggage” if you don’t want to!)

Once you clearly see the negative thought patterns you’ve been locked into, you can choose new ways of thinking and behaving that better reflect how you want to view and interact with money.

Live life deliberately, not by default. Starting now.

With love, P.S. Want hundreds of dollars of FREE tools from business building experts?Join the Business Clarity Boost waitlist here & be the first in line when the doors open May 16th.

Confession: I nearly filed for bankruptcy my first year in business!

Confession: “I nearly filed for bankruptcy my first year in business.” - Gena Shingle Jaffe, sparkly lawyer for women entrepreneursGenavieve Shingle Jaffe is my dear (real life!) friend here to help you cover your beautiful business booty with legit legal protection. She runs a law practice, Genavieve Shingle Law, and is the co-creator of the on-line legal course, Damsel goes bare™, where she educates and empowers female entrepreneurs with the legal side of their business.  

Her branding is completely authentic - how many other lawyers out there are branded with sparkles, unicorns and openly discuss depression?? Even her business motto is "Transparency is the new black."  

Gena is a sweetheart, and I know you’ll not only fall in love with her, but how she makes the law (often such an uncomfortable and foreign topic) totally relatable and dare-I-say enjoyable!

Dive into this month’s Clarity Confession with Gena to learn...

  • The rollercoaster ride that was her first year in business (she made 6-figures, spent 6-figures and nearly filed for bankruptcy)
  • Every thing is both a lesson + a blessing
  • The 3 things you NEED on your website to protect yourself

Listen to Gena’s Clarity Confession now.

If you enjoyed Gena’s awesome Clarity Confession, you can learn even more from her here. She’s put together an outstanding, FREE video series just for women entrepreneurs that covers exactly how you can protect you, your biz and have fun the process!

With love, Cailen

P.S. Gena is such a giver! She put together a top-notch FREE training just for women entrepreneurs who want to protect themselves + their businesses here.

She’s so awesome :-)

The MOST Important Question to Ask Yourself About Success


You’re a big-thinker. It’s why you’re here.

You want success. So do I.

You deserve success. We all do.

You picture your success. I know you do, because I picture mine too. All the time.

For me, the BIG vision encompasses...

  • A custom-designed home that my husband and I build together
  • A thriving business serving MILLIONS
  • Plenty of time, money & energy for family, friends, travel, new experiences, and things we love and would enjoy

Perhaps yours looks somewhat similar. Perhaps not.

So, let me share a few more nuances to really give you the flavor of my version of success.

More specifically, my success includes…

  • A home yoga & meditation studio with a big picture window overlooking our sprawling backyard
  • A beautiful home office with clean white walls, wide-open desk for creating, and state-of-the-art audio recording equipment (more on this in the near future ::wink wink::)
  • A large kitchen with long marble-topped island and sitting area with fireplace
  • Traveling for weeks-on-end to far-off places and experiencing new cultures, great food and unplugged time with loved ones
  • A gorgeous virtual hub (read NEW website!) that is breathtaking & elegant and delivers Clarity to everyone who visits
  • Book deal. (‘nuff said)

That’s my version of success. When I picture it, it makes me happy. Ridiculously happy. Like smiling ear-to-ear kind of happy. And, perhaps elements of it even spoke to you too.

But, success is very personal.When you start fleshing out the nuances, yours will likely look VERY different from mine. And that’s GOOD! That’s how it’s supposed to be.

There is no one version of success that is right for everyone. It varies person to person. It’s like a fingerprint. Your DNA. It’s one-of-a-kind and completely unique. As are you :-)

Yet, I see far too many women not taking the time to truly discover what success means to them. (Not to their mom, friend, sister, mentor, neighbor.)

You think success NEEDS to include a 7-figure business, a jet-setting lifestyle and luxury brands. And, for you, it may. Or it may not. There is no right or wrong.

The only thingyour version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours.

[Tweet "The only thing your version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours. #DoseofClarity @cailenascher http://calmbiz.com/the-most-important-question-to-ask-yourself-about-success/"][Click to tweet this #DoseOfClarity]

It can look however you want it to and be as grand or as simple as you like.  

Your success is just that, yours.

Here’s what I’d love for you to do...

Take a minute (seriously, just 60 seconds, right now. Set your phone timer if you need to) to visualize what yoursuccess looks like. You’ll know you’re zeroing in on the right elements for you when you feel pure excitement.

Now that you’ve done that, it’s time for the MOST important question you can possibly ask yourself about your success.

It’s one that I ask all of the women I work with, and I’m going to ask it of you now:

What does success feel like?

Look underneath the income, behind the home, inside the business.

What does it FEEL like there?

Is it bold and brilliant? Quiet and contemplative? Harmonious and happy?

Does it feel like peace or love? Or excitement and adventure? Do you feel generous, prosperous or abundant -- or all three?

Mine out the feelings of your success.

Because...the journey has to align with the destination.

If for you success feels like ease, joy and abundance, you CANNOT get there by feeling rushed, worried and overwhelmed. It simply will not happen.

So, here’s the plan. Super simple.

Focus on the way success feels and do more things that make you feel that way.

Hold yourself to this lovely new commitment by sharing what success feels like for you with the rest of The Clarity Crew in our private FB group. 

Remember: The journey has to align with the destination.

With love, Cailen

Why You Need to "Date" Your Business


The other day a thought struck me.
Building a business is a lot like dating.
It can be exciting, alluring, breathtaking, fun, NEW!
It can also be totally frustrating, tiring, feel like it’s taking forever to get to your desired outcome.
But here’s where things diverge a little bit…
If I were to ask you, what is your ultimate goal for your business?
Your answer would probably be a version of “To be successful!”
And, if I were to ask you, what is/was your ultimate goal for dating?
You’d likely say something like “To find my perfect partner!”
Ok, awesome. You know where you want to go! That’s the first step.
Now, let’s follow that up with Q #2.
Q: When would you like to be super successful in your business?
A: Yesterday! It can’t happen fast enough :-)
Q: When would like that ring on your finger?
A: I don’t know / Soon(ish) / When the timing’s right! We’re totally in love, and things are so much fun! There’s no big rush. I know we’ll get there eventually.
Notice how our expectations are radically different?
Yet, the process of creating a business and creating a life partner aren’t that dissimilar. They both involve love, commitment, dedication, and trust.
When it comes to our business, we beat ourselves up for not being “there” faster. We don’t trust that it’s happening -- that everything we’re doing is moving us in the right direction.
In a great relationship, sure we think about the timeline, but it’s not something we necessarily beat ourselves up over. We have more faith in the process. We trust that if we keep clicking, keep enjoying, keep learning, keep loving, we will find that commitment and love that we’re looking for.
Totally different with our businesses. We start questioning everything because we’re not an “overnight success”. In love, we often want to spend 1, 2, maybe even 5 years getting to know someone before we say “I do”.
We want the journey, the experience, the time.
I wouldn’t trade those 6 years I had with my husband before we were married for anything. During that time we grew together and developed an essential foundation for all that we’ve done, become and accomplished since. I cherish that time.
With our business, however, we want to skip ahead to success -- to that steady, reliable place. We want to skip straight to “marriage”.
But, if we skip right to marriage, we’d be totally unprepared! Not to mention, we’d miss out on so many memories, so many lessons. Simply put, we’d miss out on so much good stuff.
We need the journey to get us ready for the destination.
Here’s what I think. We should want to “date” our businesses. To learn what works and what doesn’t, to try things, to overcome obstacles, to get stronger and do better.
We should embrace the time that it takes, not criticize it. We should look ahead with anticipation of where we’re heading without feeling rushed to get there faster.
Click to tweet this #DoseOfClarity: I’m dating my #business & I’m falling more in #LOVE every day.
[Tweet "I’m dating my #business & I’m falling more in #LOVE every day http://calmbiz.com/?p=5199"]
When it comes down to it, in both business and dating, we shouldn’t want to miss out on all the really amazing new relationship stuff that’s essential to long term happiness!
Every day you have the opportunity to fall more in love with your business.
Don’t wish that time away.
With love,
P.S. There is an amazing group of business-loving women that will welcome you in with open arms -- join us here.