biz: how to NOT spam people with your marketing

as a community of yogis, we like to make sure we're always on the up-and-up, right? and that means ensuring that all of our words, thoughts and actions contribute to people's happiness & overall well-being.  so...that's probably why so many of you have asked me how to make sure you don't spam people with your email marketing.

you know that email marketing is essential for the long-term success of your yoga biz, but how do you make sure you're not annoying people by showing up in their inboxes?

well, in today's quick vid, i share some tactics you can use to make certain that (almost) everything you send out to your growing yoga community is received with open, loving arms.

remember: there are always going to be a few stinkers out there who let you know they don't want to hear from you -- and that's ok!  they're not the right student for you, anyway!

the Become a Yoga Brand Speaker Series is coming in January 2014!
sign-up now to be the first to know when this amazing series of interviews with today's best biz-minded yogis goes LIVE!