There is No "Magic" in Wealth Consciousness

There’s a new age of business upon us.
I’m sure you’ve felt it. There’s been a shift -- and you are a part of it.
It’s no longer about scare tactics and hard-selling to make a buck.
It’s about giving, being of service and offering value.
Trust me, I’m all about this evolution. I am this evolution. It completely resonates with me.
But, it can feel a little woo-woo. A tad hard to grasp. And, dare I say it, how will this approach affect my bottom line?
I find myself saying YES to expanding my wealth consciousness, YES to studying the law of attraction, YES when Danielle LaPorte says life is about feeling the way you want to feel, and then I’m hit with....
BUT do I find clients, make money, get the work done, market myself effectively?
How does all this feel-good belief move me forward with some organization and strategy? How do I build my empire without some tangible plans?
Here’s what I’ve come to realize: There is no magic in wealth consciousness. [click to tweet this Truth]
It’s a simple formula. It is strategic.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, and your thoughts become your actions.
Or, to put it even more simply…
Beliefs → Thoughts → Actions
Our core beliefs around money, finances, abundance (or lack thereof) inform our thoughts. And, since about 98% of our daily thoughts are on auto-pilot and the same ones appear again and again, when our beliefs center on lack, scarcity, worry and “not enough” our thought playlist is mighty grim.
Then the actions we take reflect that anxiety. We pinch pennies, stress about bills, don’t take the chance, don’t make the call, don’t put ourselves “out there”.
On the other hand, if we start planting new beliefs about money and abundance in our fertile minds, we can begin to incrementally expand our wealth consciousness and open ourselves up to new opportunities.
We feel more open, full of potential. We make the pitch, make the call, start the business, ask for what we’re worth and believe we are worth it.
Wealth consciousness isn’t magic. It’s cause and effect.
Your beliefs and thoughts result in corresponding actions (or inaction) that deliver certain results. Plain and simple.
If you want to receive new/different/transformed/bigger/happier/better results, you need to start planting new beliefs.
Our beliefs have an ever-expanding ripple effect, like when you drop a small stone in a calm body of water. That one small action has repercussions that travel outward exponentially.
Drop the small stone. It’s time. You are ready.
As a jumping off point, I’ll leave you with this...
What do you believe about money/wealth/being rich/rich people/abundance? What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis because of those beliefs? What actions are you taking because of those beliefs and thoughts?
What is a NEW money belief that you’re ready to live starting now?
With love, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

How Rich People Think

Money issues. We all have them.
I do. You do. We all do.
I can guarantee that every single person reading this message has, at some point in their life, struggled with money.
Now, let me clarify, struggling with money doesn’t necessary mean you were broke, couldn’t pay your bills or filed for bankruptcy.
Struggling could be as simple as thinking
“I shouldn’t buy’s too much money”. “It’s so hard to make money.” “I have to worry about money.”
We all have, at one point or another, struggled with limiting thoughts about money. It’s inevitable because money is something that we have to interact with on a daily basis. It’s part of the deal.
And since we’re human and fear is also part of the deal, fearful thoughts in and around money will pop up from time to time. That’s ok. It’s normal. Take a deep breath. Your occasional limiting money thoughts aren’t sending an undesired beacon out into the universe calling for more of the same.
It’s when the majority of our beliefs and thoughts about money are laden with stress, fear and anxiety that it’s time for a money mindset reset.
You see, when all of our energy around money is focused on pinching pennies, obsessing about our budget (or lack thereof), or stuck in anxious/worried mode, THAT is what we get more of.
What we focus on e x p a n d s.
If we focus on lack, we see/feel/experience more lack. If we focus on abundance, we see/feel/experience more abundance. If we focus on red cars, we see/feel/experience more red cars! (Seriously, try it.)
We can never create the opposite of what we focus on.
Let’s say you’re hoping to feel affluent, but every interaction you have with money is riddled with stress, affluence is not going to find its way to you. Sorry.
Just like if you want to experience more self-love and body confidence, you can’t berate yourself with negative self-talk to get there.
The journey has to align with the destination.
If feeling generous, abundant and at ease with money is where you want to end up, you must start incorporating more generosity, abundance and ease into your life RIGHT NOW.
And, not necessarily in big, bold (scary) ways that are totally out of your comfort zone. Baby steps are just fine.
Treat a friend to coffee. Take a deep breath when a bill arrives. Say a quick “thank you” for the unexpected $20 you found in an old purse. Treat yourself to a coffee with it :-)
Today’s lesson: Our beliefs inform our thoughts, and our thoughts inform our actions.
Let’s flesh that out a little bit…
Scenario #1 - Mr. Money-worry
Mr. Money-worry believes that it’s hard to make money. He tells himself that he should be super frugal and hang on to as much of it as he can. He pinches pennies, stays at his safe (but low-paying) job and complains about how expensive things are to his friends, which they bond over.
Scenario #2 - Ms. Money-maven
Ms. Money-maven believes that money is a stand-in for what we value. She tells herself that if she continuously and generously adds value to the world, she’ll be continuously and generously compensated. With this belief, she cuts back to part-time hours at her safe (low-paying) job and starts to dedicate more and more hours to building her dream business. She KNOWS that it will be successful because she’s consistently adding value.
Do you see how their core belief about money informed everything else?
Do you see how their belief resulted in the actions (or lack thereof) they took?
Now, I have to ask…
What do YOU believe about money?
With love,
P.S. Right now, I’m reading an interesting book called How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold. It contrasts how most people think about money with how wealthy people think about money. It’s a worthwhile read if wealth consciousness is an area of your personal development you’re focusing on. Want to read along with me? Join the #ClarityBookClub here.

How I Made $23K in 23 Days in my Coaching Business...and you can too!

This is something I've never done before...

I realized that I always appreciate when other women entrepreneurs get real and give a glimpse into their businesses (talking money and behind-the-scenes systems). But, up until now I haven't done that.

Today, we're changing that!

In the last 23 days, I brought in $23,000 in business, and I want to share with you the steps I took in hope of inspiring you to recognize that ANYTHING is possible and that you, too, can achieve magnificent results like this. I believe inyou!

So, here goes...

:: First and most importantly, I BELIEVED that I could! Ok, so I know thateveryone says this, but it's true. Until you really and truly believe that you are worth it, the money just won't show up in a big way. The right mindset is essential. #MindsetReset

:: I didn't try to do it alone - I hired a FB ads expert, a VA, a coach, and a house cleaner. You know how people say you need to "spend money to make money", well I didn't really understand that until I did it. I could go on and on about how it works, but what I would suggest instead is giving it a try. Try outsourcing something small and see how it frees up your time to play bigger. You'll become addicted :-)

:: I set goals but didn't obsess about them or how they would come to pass - I put them out there but didn't cling (desperation never brings in money I've found). I know this is really, really hard, but we cannot cling to how things must play out. I noticed that I was often doing this with how clients should find me. Once I let go of them needing to come to me in a certain way, so many more people expressed interest from all different places! So cool.

:: I took action! I did everything in my power to bring in new business and clients. I ran events and challenges, offered free coaching sessions, sent personal emails, posted in FB groups, took calls, made calls and followed up! Action is a must. You need to do the work to get the results. Plain and simple.

:: I celebrated every win, from people booking consultation calls or offering compliments to enrolling new, amazing clients. Celebrate and express gratitude! Champagne was opened more than once :-)

:: I priced my offerings at a value that felt really, really good to me. A value I know I can deliver on and speak about clearly and confidently. When it comes down to it, our businesses are an exchange of value (money) for value (your services/products), and that needs to match up. If you're charging too little or too much the right clients won't find you.

:: I took a big step and invested in myself (through my coach) and my business (FB ads, VA) knowing it would come back many times over, and boy-oh-boy it did! I moved forward with the faith that investing in things I believe in would pay off. That belief turned into new ways of thinking and then eventually new ways of acting and behaving.

If you have any questions or want to know more about how you can apply what I did to your business, respond to this email or set up a time to discuss it in more detail here. I'll be totally transparent about this process with you!

#Truthbomb: Results like this don't happen overnight. There's a lot of time, effort, trial and error that goes into it. But, it's not out of your reach, especially if you have someone in your corner who can show you the ropes.

I want BIG wins like this for you! Whether that be getting your first client, raising your rates, or having your first $1K, $6K or $10K month.

If you're ready to stop waiting for success to "find you" and want to take the reigns in your own hands and MAKE IT HAPPEN, I am here to help you do just that.

Asking for Help is a Sign of STRENGTH

Fill in the blank with the first word that pops to mind.
Complete this sentence: Asking for help is a sign of ________________.
Ok, so what was the first word that came up for you?
Was it positive, or negative?
Was the word neutral or charged with emotion?
And, how does that statement make you feel?
For a long, looong time, I felt that asking for help was a sign of weakness. (Just for me, personally, not necessarily for other people.)
In truth, I admired successful business women who would delegate out tasks to their team, and yet I wouldn't even bring in someone to help me with the tasks that I haaated doing (like Facebook Ads).
For others, asking for help was dynamic, powerful, a strength -- for me it was laziness, ineptitude, weakness.
It always came back to the feeling that I should be able to handle/do/create/manage everything myself. And, it was exhausting.
I was a control freak. A perfectionist. And it was stifling my potential. (Ok, so I'm still sometimes those things, but I'm getting much better at handing off the tasks in my life and business that are better suited for someone else.)
You know how they say you keep learning the same lessons again and again until they sink in? Well, that is precisely what happened for me in the area of asking for help -- and it all started with the birth of my beautiful daughter, Leona, back in October 2014.
In this week's lesson, I share my own journey with asking for help and how you, too, can find more space and strength in your own life by asking for the help you desire.

I hope it's helpful! ::wink wink::
With love + admiration, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
Is there something I can help you with? Please know you can ALWAYS reach out to me. I'm here to help you find the clarity and support you need. Email me at hello {at} cailenascher {dot} com or book a complimentary Clarity Consultation here.