do you LOVE dreaming about your future yoga business?
thinking about all the great classes, retreats & workshops you'll lead? all the amazing students that'll flock to your teachings? and all the awesome opportunities that will inevitably come your way once you're a world-changing yoga teacher?
dreaming is fun. it's non-committal. it's enjoyable. it's the "honeymoon" of biz building.
then, when you sit down to actually do the work, plan the workshop, send the emails, make the calls, it's a whole different animal, and RESISTANCE rears it's ugly head!
does that sound familiar? i know i can certainly relate!
resistance feels so real, so all-consuming -- it's easy to let it foil even our best intentions.
but, as with all things we need to overcome, the first step is recognition.
in today's video teaching, i share 3 kinds of resistance that you may encounter as you try (and try again) to build your yoga business. because, once you see it for what it truly is -- just an icky feeling that really doesn't hold any power -- you can start to move beyond it!
have you encountered resistance when building your business?
please, share it in the comments below -- i read every single one!!
interested in the book i mentioned, War of Art? it's a goodie & a must-read for ALL entrepreneurs! check it out here.