a one-size-fits-all business plan for entrepreneurs

one of the trickiest things about launching a new business is having a clear plan of action. it's so easy to get pulled in different directions by new ideas, other people's advice and things you think you "should" or "shouldn't" be doing.

well, today i'm sharing my one-size-fits-all business plan that'll work for any yoga teacher or heart-centered entrepreneur who is looking for a simple, clear cut action plan to help them grow their community and business, stay on track and make more money :-)

sound good?

listen to the teaching below and then try my 4-step business plan on for size!

now i want to hear from you!

what part of this business plan do you struggle with the most? share it in the comments below!

you should only spend 25% of your yoga business on THIS

did that title catch your attention?  good! because, chances are you're spending a lot more than 25% of your time doing THIS, and it could be stalling the growth of your yoga business -- no good!

in today's teaching, i'm covering exactly where and how you should spend your time when you sit down to accomplish your business to-dos whether you have 3, 10 or 30 hours at your disposal.  

this simple system will help you breakdown your daily to-dos, goals, and BIG dreams into manageable categories that'll enable you to move forward CONSISTENTLY and grow your yoga biz like never before.

so, are you ready?!

listen to the teaching below, and then get busy building the yoga career you've always wanted and totally deserve :-) 

i want to "see" you in the comments -- i read every single one!

did you have an ah-ha moment while listening to this teaching? how much time do you currently spend on your daily to-dos?  ready to change that?!

How To Land Corporate Yoga Gigs

growing your yoga biz means tapping into new markets, and one great place to venture is the world of corporate yoga teaching -- meaning teaching yoga at offices, workplaces, corporations, etc. if this is an area that interests you, but you're not sure how to break into it, i've got some tips to help you!

but, before we delve into those, i wanna cover some reasons why this particular area of yoga might be a good fit for teachers looking to expand their yoga careers.

1. you can make way more per hour than you can teaching group classes (and even more than you can teaching private lessons!)

2. you're "locked in" to teach a series of 6, 8, or maybe even 12 classes, meaning that you'll have steady income

3. you get to introduce new people to yoga!

4. you define your work schedule, price and teaching style

5. it's a great way to find new private clients

6. if they like you (and i know they will!), your teaching contract will likely be renewed

7. corporate wellness programs are HUGE right now & becoming more and more popular, meaning there will be more and more opportunities to teach!

alrighty, now that you're clear on why teaching corporate classes can be a fun and rewarding undertaking, listen to the teaching below to discover a few of my strategies for finding and landing gigs.

i mentioned during the audio teaching to list your yoga biz in directories.  here are a few free ones to check out: 

YogaFinder Let's Glo Manta

now, i'd love to hear from you in the comments below! 

have you ever taught corporate yoga? if so, have any tips to share? if not, what tip are you going to move forward with today?!


6 self-care practices every entrepreneur needs

burning the candle at both ends, again? i feel ya.

being a solo-preneur can really take its toll on our bodies and minds if we're not diligent about consciously building self-care practices into our daily routines.

if you're feeling run-down, stressed out, frustrated, burnt out, foggy or just plain tired, chances are you're not taking care of yourself as much as you're focused on taking care of your business and everyone else in your life. (sound familiar?)

in today's video i share 6 essential self-care practices that i personally use to keep myself motivated and energized. better yet,  they take very little time but offer tremendous benefits.  try out any (or all 6) and see how much better you feel :-)

i want to hear from you!

which self-care practice is the first one to go out the window for you when things get busy?

or, which of the 6 are you most excited to implement?