how to convince people to do yoga

do you ever feel like you're trying to convince people to take your yoga classes, register for your workshops or sign-up for your email list? we've all been there.

but, "convincing" is EXHAUSTING!  when we spend all our time, energy and money trying to convince people to work with us, we're wasting our precious time and talent.

instead, i have a much more powerful and rewarding formula for finding the right students who actually want to work with you, learn from you, and PAY YOU for what you do!

watch the video & then share in the comments below who your ideal student is!

how to structure a successful marketing launch for your yoga business

when i ran my first launch for my online course, 2 Hours to Yoga Biz, i was flying by the seat of my yoga pants. sure, i had done some research and even signed-up for other people's launches to see what worked and what didn't, but even that didn't totally prepare me to for all the to-dos that are involved with crafting a successful (and fun!) launch.

now that i've gotten a few more under my belt, i've refined my strategy and learned from my early mistakes, and today i want to share my launching process with you.

if you're interested in learning more about launching or are thinking about running a marketing launch for one of your upcoming yoga offerings, like an online training or in-person workshop, you're going to gobble up today's video.

have you ever run a launch before?

in the comments below, share your best tip or biggest woops :-)





how to get more private yoga clients

wishing that you had more private yoga clients?  but not sure how to expand that area of your yoga business? no worries.  in today's CALM biz video, i share a number of tips and techniques for finding and keeping private clients, all of which are easy, cost you nothing and you can start using them right away.  but first, let's talk about why you would want to teach privates in the first place.

private yoga students are great for a number of reasons...

(1) you can really ensure that they're getting the intended benefits & see the progress they're making

(2) you develop a deeper bond and understanding of their needs

(3) it allows you to expand your repertoire and teaching know-how by working with a number of different bodies one-on-one

(4) you earn much more per hour than you do teaching public classes

(5) you get honest and instant feedback about your teaching, assisting, demos, explanations, and more!

(6) private students are loyal, LOVE you and refer you to family and friends :-)

ok, now that you realize the benefits of having private clientele, let's dive into today's video so you can begin to find, attract and keep private yoga clients!

have more tips or creative strategies for drawing private clients to your teaching?  i'd love to hear them!

share them in the comments below!






how to get & use testimonials for your yoga business

did you know that "testimonials & word of mouth are the driving force behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions, and yet only about ⅓ of businesses are actively seeking & collecting customer reviews on an ongoing basis"? furthermore, testimonials serve to (1) build trust, (2) are a non-salesy way of marketing the good work you're doing, and (3) help buyers to overcome their buying hesitation. 

so, why aren't more yoga professionals collecting and using testimonials to grow their businesses?

probably because we feel awkward asking for them, aren't sure how to go about collecting them, don't recognize the awesome power of word or mouth, or don't know what to do with them once we have them!

in today's teaching, i cover it all...

1) why testimonials are one of the most powerful business tools you're probably NOT using
2) why they are so effective
3) 6+ ways to gather them
4) and, where and how to use them

listen to today's teaching now & start using this powerful yoga biz tool for yourself.

now, i want to hear from you!

in the comments below, share your biggest ah-ha or takeaway from this teaching...and maybe i'll give you a shout out with a testimonial of your very own on my site with a link to your website :-)

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for more about how to effectively use testimonials, check out this article on

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