#1 tip for packing your yoga classes & selling out your workshops

who doesn't want to teach a studio filled to capacity with wide-eyed eager yoga students?
but, packing our classes and selling out our workshops can seem like a mystery. there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the ebb and flow of students who show up, and sometimes the very workshop we think will be a popular sell-out is a total flop.
what gives?
is there any science to it? or is it completely random; left up to chance?
in today's video, i'm sharing my top tip for packing your yoga classes and selling out your workshops and retreats.
and, i'll admit, upon first hearing it, you may think it's obvious. but, though it may seem "obvious" to some, putting it into practice in the proper ways is key and what will separate the yoga pros from the amateurs.
if you're ready to harness the power of your teaching and draw more of the right students into your classes, you're going to gobble up today's vid!

i LOVE hearing from you!

in the comments below, share one brilliant idea for a sell-out workshop (based on the tip shared in today's video).
or, let me know about a time when you thought an idea was going to be a total win & it was a total flop -- what did you learn?



4 ways to use social media for your yoga business

"do i really need to use social media for my yoga business?"
i get asked variations of this question a lot.
and my response is this:
no, you don't need to do anything that doesn't feel right and authentic as you build your business, but there are a number of benefits to leveraging the power of our modern social culture as you develop your yoga brand.
(1) it gives you a place to "hang" with your students outside of the studio
(2) it enables you to connect with students (and potential students) in the way they prefer
(3) it allows you to share your yoga knowledge & help your students deepen their practices off-the-mat
(4) it's FUN!
in today's video i'm sharing 4 ways that you can use social media to connect with more students and grow your yoga community.
watch it now & then get busy!

what social media platform is your fave for your biz & why?

share it in the comments below!!





don't let these 3 things stop you as you build your biz!

do you LOVE dreaming about your future yoga business?
thinking about all the great classes, retreats & workshops you'll lead? all the amazing students that'll flock to your teachings? and all the awesome opportunities that will inevitably come your way once you're a world-changing yoga teacher?
dreaming is fun. it's non-committal. it's enjoyable. it's the "honeymoon" of biz building.
then, when you sit down to actually do the work, plan the workshop, send the emails, make the calls, it's a whole different animal, and RESISTANCE rears it's ugly head!
does that sound familiar? i know i can certainly relate!
resistance feels so real, so all-consuming -- it's easy to let it foil even our best intentions.
but, as with all things we need to overcome, the first step is recognition.
in today's video teaching, i share 3 kinds of resistance that you may encounter as you try (and try again) to build your yoga business. because, once you see it for what it truly is -- just an icky feeling that really doesn't hold any power -- you can start to move beyond it!
have you encountered resistance when building your business?
please, share it in the comments below -- i read every single one!!


interested in the book i mentioned, War of Art? it's a goodie & a must-read for ALL entrepreneurs! check it out here.

4 tips to maintain your yoga practice AFTER you start teaching

it's a common occurrence.
we fall in love with yoga. we take 3, 5 maybe even 7 classes a week. we can't get enough!
we love it so much & it's changed our lives so profoundly that we decide to teach. we devote 200+ hours to obtaining our certification and then we start sharing what we love -- yoga.
we take on more classes and more classes and more clients until we realize that what drew us in in the first place -- our personal practice -- is suffering or non-existent.
well, there's no need to fret. i have 4 simple tips that'll help you restore & maintain your yoga practice after you start teaching!
check out the vid below, and then incorporate any (or all!) of the tips i've shared in order to restore some much-needed yoga to your life.

now, i want to hear from you!

has your personal practice suffered or changed since you started teaching? what did you do?