how to deal with jealousy
we've all been there.
we look at someone who [appears to] have it all & we feel it...that ugly pang of jealousy.
and, because we're yogis, we're even harder on ourselves when we experience it.
"this feeling isn't yogic"..."i know better than to be jealous"..."i shouldn't be feeling this way"
but, the truth is, we're all just human, and jealousy, just like any emotion, is part of the deal.
there is a silver lining, however.
jealousy doesn't have to be just a one-sided, negative emotion that we hide -- it can actually fuel us to be better!
if you want to learn how to cope with those pesky feelings of jealousy whenever they creep into your life+biz, check out the video below. in it i share 3 simple strategies to transform jealousy into something that'll help you grow for the better!
i LOVE hearing from you!
in the comments below, share a time when you felt jealous of someone else, and how you transformed it for the better.
should i give up teaching group yoga classes? the 3 questions you need to ask!
do you teach 15, 20, 25+ group yoga classes a week?
first off, bravo! i'm totally impressed! i don't think i'd have the stamina for that -- especially now that i'm a new mama :-)
if teaching group classes takes up the majority of your time and energy, you're likely wondering when is the appropriate time (if any) to back away and pursue other yoga business opportunities -- like working with more private clients, leading workshops, running retreats or designing trainings.
but, it can be a tricky road to navigate, especially if you need your group class income to support you!
well, if you feel like you need a mega-dose of clarity on this subject, you're gonna LOVE today's teaching. in it i share the 3 things you need to ask yourself to see if it's time to step away from some of your group classes.
find a cozy, quiet spot, and enjoy!
now, let me know what you think!
after reflecting on the 3 questions, is it time for you to step back from teaching so many group classes?
how to recruit students for 1x1 work
so, you want more private yoga clients, eh?
BUT, you hate being "pushy" and "salesy"?
i feel ya. i hate it too.
(that's why i full-heartedly embrace marketing -- the sharing of ideas and inspiration to educate my community! but that's a topic for a different day :-)
the truth is, often the more you push your yoga offerings, the more resistant people become. no one likes being sold.
but, in order to grow your yoga biz and get more private clients, you need to sell, right?
it seems like your basic catch 22...
in today's video i cover 4 ways to recruit students for private yoga sessions without being pushy, salesy or inauthentic. it's all about feel-good offerings and feel-good marketing -- no car-salesman-style pitches here!
if you're looking for a way to confidently, proudly and comfortably "sell" your offerings, i've outlined the proper etiquette below! enjoy!
i LOVE hearing from you!
in the comments share which tip you're most excited to try out!