Slow Down & Savor

most of the year, our lives are pretty busy.
between family, chores, errands and business building, there is often little time left for slowing down & savoring the moment.
but, the holiday season is the perfect time to put this much needed practice of slowing down into, well, practice.
this year, my husband and i are enjoying our first holiday season with our little girl. so, believe me, we are deliberately taking a lot of time to slow down and savor all the little moments that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
with her here, our world is a little brighter, a little shinier and filled with an incalculable amount of LOVE -- so, it only seems right to slow down and bask in the glow of this special time.
and, i invite you to do the same for yourself.
if you feel like most of the time your life progresses at 100mph, i encourage you over the next week to take time for yourself, to be with your friends and family and to do things that you LOVE that you don't typically make time for. (don't worry, your business and to-dos will wait for you!)
listen to today's teaching to learn 3 ways to slow down & savor that i'm personally using this holiday season :-)

share the LOVE.

what is one thing that you're definitely going to "slow down & savor" this holiday season? post it in the comments below!


3 Ways to Jumpstart Your Motivation when you're Stuck in a Rut

feel like you're stuck in a business rut?
do you feel stalled out & like you've lost touch with your creativity?
we've all been there.
hitting a biz rut happens to ALL entrepreneurs -- myself included. but, the thing that separates the amateurs from the pros is how we deal with it when the inevitable (self-imposed) obstacle befalls us.
do we let it get the best of us and give up? or do we trudge forward, no matter how hard that may seem at the time?
in today's teaching i share 3 ways that you can jumpstart your motivation when you're stuck in a mega-biz-rut so that you can again tap into your natural creativity and get going on your merry way :-)
listen below!

are you (or were you recently) stuck in a business rut? what did you do about it?

share your advice in the comments so that we can all learn from one another.


how to STOP giving your time away for free

do you HATE talking about money?
that's probably the #1 complaint i hear from yoga teachers -- they totally despise talking about money with their students and clients.
and i get it!
money-talk is awkward, can be uncomfortable and can feel totally un-yogic. BUT, it's part of the biz. if you truly want to make teaching yoga your steady part- or full-time gig, you have to get comfortable talking about money and stop undervaluing your time & giving it away freely.
if you regularly offer freebies, discounts, free class passes, coupons and the like, you're likely selling yourself short! sure, promotions are great from time to time, but if you have a consistent practice of giving your time away, you're doing yourself, your business and your students (yes, your students!) a disservice.
if you don't value your time and teachings, you cannot expect anybody else to. and, if you condition your students to expect freebies, they won't see the true value of yoga.
in today's vid, i cover 3 ways to navigate this slippery slope & STOP giving your time away for free.
watch it now :-)

did this teaching strike a cord with you?

if so, please share in the comments below. i LOVE reading them & learning from you!



business blunders: steps to take after you fall on your face

i had planned it to a "T".
the curriculum was outlined, the worksheets made, the timeline set, the marketing in place -- it was PERFECT!
and, then i let it fly...and it totally flopped.
the program that i thought was going to be a big hit was a total bomb. i was bummed.
how could something that i put so much time, effort and heart into totally tank?!
it happens to the best of us. we produce something we're super proud of and it's greeted by crickets.
and, when that happens, it's easy to beat ourselves up, think we're not good enough or that we'll never "make it".
but the truth is, the most successful people fail the most! they just keep getting up and trying again...and again...and again.
in today's CALM biz vid, i share the 3 steps you should take after a business blunder in order to regain your momentum and confidence.

i LOVE hearing from you!

in the comments, share a time when something you put a lot of time into flopped. what did you do? please share your insight so that we can learn from one another.